
Chemotherapy is one of the widelyadopted adrenocortical carcinoma treatment options where it uses medication tokill the cancerous cells. Some patients have chemotherapy for several differenttypes of cancers at once in order to maximize the effectiveness. Some peoplehave an initial treatment of a single drug and then alternate with a seconddrug. This process may be used continuously or in cycles to keep patientscomfortable and to allow for the maximum effect of the drugs. Furthermore,radiotherapy involves the use of radioactive substances as a form of treatment.Patients who have very poor quality immune systems can suffer from side effectswhile receiving radiotherapy treatments. To prevent this, doctors may alsochoose to institute a course of treatment designed specifically to boostpatients’ immune system capabilities.
Another adrenocortical carcinomatreatment option includes immunotherapies, which involve the administration ofmedicine that allows the body to fight cancer cells on its own. It is notuncommon for immunotherapies to be paired with chemotherapy. Doctors chooseeither treatment option depending on the situation of the patient or how wellthey respond to each treatment option. Furthermore, surgery is anothertreatment option, which may be necessary if the tumor has spread beyond thegland that produces the cortisol. In this case, the doctor may need to performa surgery that removes part or all of the gland. Depending on the type ofsurgery, it may be possible to remove only part of the cancerous cell and keepthe remaining cells from spreading to other areas of the body. If the surgeryis performed surgically, it may be followed by radiation therapy to kill anyremaining cancer cells. The most common types of surgery used to removeadrenocortical tumors include lobectomy, palliative surgery, mastectomy, andliposuction.
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