
If you are looking to store your valuable and fragile or big products with ease custom foam packaging gives the perfect packaging solution. Whether it is the electronics, glassware, or wine bottles these inserts have turned out to be the best solution. The camera equipment and tools also need proper care when they are shipped from one place to the other. The professionally designed custom foam insert will protect your big items with ease. Most of the brands who are active in the e-commerce industry cannot think about shipping their products without these inserts.
Box foam inserts are much more protective for precious items
Box foam inserts are made with premium quality materials that can protect the products from impacts and shocks. The harsh weather elements and intense conditions will not harm the products. If your precious items need some protection the foam inserts are quick, easy, and affordable. The machine-cut custom foam will also protect your gear and you can deliver it to your customers.
Boxes with foam inserts are ideal during shipping
Boxes with foam inserts are ideal for shipping as they can save some money for the brands. If products are defective or damaged they will have to invest more money and their reputation will also be at stake. We will guarantee that the custom foam meets your requirements and budget. When wine bottles are shipped you can keep a separate insert in each compartment. The bottles will not break down enhancing your appeal among customers.
We offer a variety of custom foam inserts for boxes in different shapes and sizes
We offer a variety of custom foam inserts for boxes that are available in different shapes and sizes. It will start with identifying the size requirements of the product. Finding the right foam inserts will not be difficult when our professionals are there to help. There will be some cutout holes on the top of the box that will protect the products from harsh weather elements. The insulating applications require foam inserts so they can remain safe and secure against damage. We make use of unique and sophisticated state-of-the-art technology like die cutters and water jet cutters to cut the foam carefully.
Custom foam packaging inserts at wholesale price with free shipping
The custom foam packaging inserts are available at wholesale prices. The best thing is that you can keep your budget in control and pack your products safely. We don’t have any shipping charges and will deliver the custom foam inserts to your desired location. It saves a lot of money when the products are delivered safely to the customers. The custom foam inserts we manufacture are suitable for giftware, electronics, food, wine bottles, and other such items.
Why us?
We are a leading packaging company that is catering to the needs of all the brands in the industry. There is a variety of foam inserts available but one size cannot fit all. You need to let us know about the specifications and we will create some of the best inserts. There are options like die-cut, fabricated and, molded Expanded Polystyrene (EPS). You can also choose to have a foam insert that is made with Polylemma PE Polyurethane Polypropylene. We can deliver your foam insert with the fastest turnaround and the prices are lower than usual.