
Moreover, there are also certain procedures that must be followed when applying for a divorce. There are two main types of divorce: contested and uncontested. If both of you agree on ending the marriage and don’t want to fight over anything related to it, then an uncontested divorce is what you need. But if either partner disagrees or feels strongly about something related to the divorce process, a contested divorce is what suits your needs best.
What is a contested divorce?
In a contested divorce, both parties have different views on certain aspects related to the divorce process. For example, one partner might want to end the marriage because they fell out of love, while the other partner might want to continue the relationship because they still love their partner. In this situation, both parties need to go to court and fight over their differences. The divorce process takes longer compared to an uncontested divorce because the court has to decide on every aspect that both parties disagree on.
What is an uncontested divorce?
An mutual divorce process is when both partners agree to end their marriage. There’s no disagreement between the two partners, so the divorce process is much shorter compared to a contested divorce. A lawyer helps both parties draft an agreement on how they want to end their marriage. This agreement includes details about child custody, child support, and spousal maintenance. If both partners agree on everything, then they proceed with filing for the divorce. The divorce process ends in a few months’ time and both partners are free to pursue their new lives.
Why get a divorce?
There are many reasons why a couple might want to end their marriage. Although there are no right or wrong reasons to do so, some of these include:
How to apply for a Divorce in Singapore?
The first step to get a divorce is to hire a lawyer. You can find a lawyer by searching online or asking your friends and family if they have a recommendation. Wage earners should budget for divorce proceedings and hire a lawyer. You can estimate how much a divorce will cost you by reading our divorce cost guide. You should consider hiring a collaborative divorce lawyer if you are married and have children. Collaborative divorce is an agreement between both partners to move forward with their divorce in a civilized manner. It’s not like a regular divorce because there’s no fighting between the two partners. After you hire a divorce lawyer, you need to file for divorce in a family court. You can do this by filling out Form 1, which is available online. After filing for divorce, the court assigns a case number to your divorce proceedings. After you hire a divorce lawyer, you also need to provide your spouse with a divorce petition. You can do this by mailing the divorce petition to your spouse’s last known address.
Find out how much you’ll pay for the divorce.
You can get an estimate of the divorce cost by searching online. You can also ask your divorce lawyer for an estimation. After you file for divorce, there are a few things you need to pay for. For example, you may need to pay for:
Pros and cons of getting a divorce in Singapore.
There are many positives to getting a divorce. For one, you can pursue your career goals and take up exciting new opportunities. You can also explore your passions and be open to dating again. A divorce can also free you from an unhappy marriage and let you be happy again. It’s a great feeling knowing that you’ve ended a bad relationship and are now free to pursue a better future. However, getting a divorce does come with some negatives. For instance, you may lose some friends who are against divorce. You may also have to pay alimony if you’re the higher earner of the two. In addition, you might need to go through a stressful divorce process if your spouse is contesting it.
Getting a divorce is a big decision that should not be rushed into. You should consider all your options and think about the future. Divorce can be chaotic and difficult, but it can also be amicable and easy if both partners decide to go with the collaborative route. Whether you're getting a divorce or have been served with a divorce petition, it is important to understand what is happening and what your options are. Depending on your situation, you may be able to get out of it with a simple explanation. If not, you may be required to go to court to argue your case. With this guide, you should now know what a contested divorce and an uncontested divorce are, why get a divorce, how to apply for a divorce in Singapore, find out how much you’ll pay for the divorce, and the pros and cons of getting a divorce.