Faktor DMD Dentist in Manalapan, New Jersey
Faktor DMD Dentist in Manalapan, New Jersey
Get an appointment at Faktor DMD's experienced dentist in Manalapan, welcoming all nearby residents from Marlboro, Freehold & Monroe Township. Call now.

1. Faktor DMD Dentist in Manalapan, New Jersey

Full Family Emergancy Care - Amet consectetur adipiscing elit pellentesque habitant volutpat sed cras ornare.

Just the Basics Plan

Emergency Care + Insurance

We welcome patients from New York, Manhattan, Midtown Manhattan, Greenwich, Madison Avenue, Manalapan Township, Englishtown, Freehold, Marlboro Township, Monroe Township, and all of the surrounding areas.

During the COVID-19 pandemic our office will be open for emergency dental procedures. Please call our office at 732-853-8683 or submit the book appointment form here on our website and we will respond quickly.

We also have the option for online consultations, please visit our Virtual Consultations page for more information.