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Have you heard of high intraocular pressure or ocular hypertension? You've probably heard of high blood pressure or hypertension. Everything you need to know about this eye ailment, including your risk factors, is provided here.
Your eyeballs' pressure is known as intraocular pressure (IOP). Ocular hypertension is brought on by that pressure being greater than usual. Ocular hypertension is a sign that you may develop glaucoma even though it is not an eye illness in and of itself.
Your eye pressure is indicated as mm Hg, or millimetres of mercury. The range of the normal ocular pressure is 10 to 21 mm Hg. Higher than 21 mm Hg is considered high intraocular pressure.
How Does Ocular Hypertension Develop?
There are five basic conditions that might raise eye pressure and indicate ocular hypertension.
Aqueous humour overproduction: Aqueous humour is a transparent, watery fluid that is present in the iris of the eye. It serves to clean the lens, transport oxygen and nutrients, and support pressure maintenance. The fluid enters the eye via the pupil, fills the gap between the iris and cornea, and then drains through the trabecular meshwork.
The body sometimes makes too much aqueous. Increased ocular pressure results from aqueous production that is greater than its capacity for drainage.
Slow aqueous drainage: If the drainage system doesn't work properly for whatever reason, the aqueous builds up and drains too slowly. Ocular hypertension may also be brought on by poor drainage, even though the body is generating the proper quantity of the fluid.
Eye trauma: This is also related to aqueous. High ocular pressure may result from injuries that interfere with or otherwise disturb the equilibrium of aqueous production and drainage. You should let your eye doctor know if you've ever had an accident since a trauma might have an impact on your eyes months or years after the physical damage occurs.
Medication: High eye pressure may result from steroid medicines, especially steroidal eye drops. You can also use super lash bimatoprost to cure eye pressure.
Ocular hypertension is linked to a number of other eye diseases, including pigment dispersion syndrome, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, and corneal arcus.
Who Receives it?
Being older than 40 is a risk factor; in the US, it's estimated that up to 10% of persons over 40 have intraocular pressures of 21 mm Hg or greater.
Along with people who have thin central corneas or who are extremely nearsighted, race and family history may also raise your chance of developing high eye pressure and glaucoma.
The method of detection
Usually, ocular hypertension has no symptoms or negative effects. Your eye doctor will test your IOP at your yearly eye checkup using a device called a tonometer. Additionally, he or she will assess your peripheral vision and search for indicators of glaucoma by checking for optic nerve damage.
How Serious is High Eye Pressure?
Ocular hypertension does increase your chance of getting glaucoma, making you a "glaucoma suspect." Your eye doctor will want to regularly monitor your eye pressure and suggest ways to lower it since glaucoma is a condition that damages your optic nerve and may eventually result in vision loss.
Glaucoma may manifest as symptoms like intense, throbbing eye pain, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, and vomiting, as well as eye redness and the perception of haloes. If you encounter any of these symptoms, be sure to see your doctor right away.
How may eye pressure be diminished?
To lower eye pressure, your eye doctor could recommend certain eye drops. Additionally, by making healthy lifestyle choices, you may lower high eye pressure and enhance your overall eye health:
- Consume a balanced diet that is high in fruits and vegetables.
- Exercise often.
- Remain hydrated.
- Consume caffeine in moderation.
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