
That's about to improve, with new years of eyeglasses being produced or presently available that offer these amazing functions:
Providing limited vision to the blind. Check. Repairing colorblindness. Check. Quickly changing the focus of one's single-vision eyeglasses from range to near. Check. Online cups produced in a 3-D printer. Check. Eye exams done on your own smartphone. Check.
Plus the biggest modify of, which includes gotten the absolute most printer: Bing Glass, a pair of cups that aren't really eyeglasses , but some type of computer that's used on your face, the same as a set of glasses.
You've likely learned about Bing Glass, their improvements along with their drawbacks. Though it won't be launched for sale to everyone till next year, it's currently benefiting from upset pushback from people upset by the invasion-of-privacy implications of Glass wearers having the ability surreptitiously to video-record or photograph them, who have coined the term "Glassholes."
Google's rivals, including Sony, Nokia, Microsoft and Apple, among others, are speeding to improve on something that isn't also accessible to buy yet.
(Some pc software developers were allowed to buy and check model Bing Cups at $1,500 a pop.)
But others are making specific-purpose research eyewear. Recon Devices, for example, is developing wise glasses for skiers, who will have a way to see their speed, elevation and range, among other knowledge, correct inside their snow goggles.
Still another innovative type of glasses will be developed by 2AI Labs. Their O2Amps are made to detect changes in the body flow to a person's face. The blood flow shows their mental state, in addition to probable bruising or other trauma under the skin lunettes de vue homme pierre cardin.
Health practitioners and nurses would discover that software useful, as would law-enforcement workers, poker people and the spouse whose partner has come house suspiciously late.
However, none of the glasses are prescription eyeglasses which will appropriate or boost your vision. Google Glass and all of these different smart cups must be worn around prescription eyeglasses or be configured to incorporate the wearer's prescription.