How the correct cleaning solutions can keep a commercial kitchen efficient and healthy
How the correct cleaning solutions can keep a commercial kitchen efficient and healthy
How the correct cleaning solutions can keep a commercial kitchen efficient and healthy

Working in the catering industry can be backbreaking but rewarding work. You will be playing your part in offering customers a pleasurable experience as they relax in their free time. They don’t get to see all the hard work that goes into ensuring that their meal is of the highest quality when served.


Before the meal is delivered an awful lot of work goes into preparation, as does ensuring that all meals are served with pristine cutlery and immaculately clear plates, bowls, and dishes. To enable this a company needs to invest in quality equipment from a company such as Warewashing Solutions.


There are several items of equipment that need to be purchased for a commercial kitchen to make the operation run smoothly and in an environment that assists the staff. Glasswashers are important if the emphasis is on drinks, but in the food game a dishwasher is invaluable.


The time saved will be immeasurable, meaning that staff can continue with other tasks rather than standing over a sink and washing plates and utensils by hand. A dishwasher will quickly and easily clean all your crockery in a matter of minutes. Perhaps the front of house section of the restaurant will benefit from a carpet cleaning service.


A dishwasher will also save a company money. Washing the crockery and utensils means using of a lot of detergent and water, which can add up to a significant expense over time. Washable items will remain in good condition for longer, meaning a reduction in replacement costs.


As well as the equipment and utensils it is also important to look after the health and safety of the staff. While the dishwasher does take away some of the strain, it is still hard manual work loading, lifting, removing, and cleaning the machine. It is good advice to take government advice on activities such as lifting.


There are ways to alleviate this by adding extra trays and racks at a height that is comfortable. An extra shelf could also be added if possible, so more items are washed at once. Back injuries, and strains can be minimised by making things as comfortable as possible. Bending and excessive lifting can be eliminated by raising a dishwasher to a manageable height when using a stainless-steel bench, with the benches made to order.


Using extra tools to help staff when using a dishwasher will lessen the chance of injury and maintain a happy staff.