
Lipid oxidation is a major issue that occurs in a variety of foods, resulting in nutritional loss and high processing costs. Furthermore, the stringent regulations imposed on food ingredients used in lipid nutrition products pose a significant challenge for manufacturers seeking to launch their products in a competitive market. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is taking aggressive measures to prevent the introduction of products into the market that contain prohibited ingredients such as artificial trans-fat, which has been linked to heart disease.
According to the source, the global Lipid Nutrition Market is divided into two segments: plant and animal. Among these, the animal segment dominates and will continue to do so until 2024, with a market share of more than 100 kilotons. Because of the DHA and EPA content, the increasing demand for omega-3 and other fish oil-rich products has improved the industry's overall demand. Increasing consumer interest in preventive healthcare, growing awareness of lipid nutrition and its health benefits, and an increase in chronic health problems are some of the factors expected to drive market growth. The growing vegan population, as well as the need for appropriate lipid nutrition options for vegetarians to provide the body with adequate nutrition, are expected to drive market growth. Because of the growing vegan population, some of the lipid nutritional compounds are derived from vegan sources. This results in a lack of lipids in their daily diet, which is expected to increase market demand among vegetarians.
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