
Difference Between White Sugar And Brown Sugar
Who does not like sweets? Sweets are like the soul to the body! Without any doubt, the most well-known sweetener favourite for centuries is sugar.
It is a naturally occurring ingredient consumed for thousands of years. While there are several types of sugars, white sugar and brown sugar are two of the most common.
The two sugars are standard but are different from each other. Do you know the difference between white sugar and brown sugar? No! Then, let us find out!
What Is White Sugar?
White sugar is also known as table sugar or granulated sugar. It comes from refined sugar cane and sugar beets. It is considered a natural carbohydrate and is used
as a sweetener ingredient in different types of foods and beverages.
Types Of White Sugar
Here we have listed the types of white sugar. Have a look!
1. Granulated Sugar: It is commonly used in sugar for hot drinks and baking
2. Superfine Sugar: It is also known as caster sugar and has smaller crystals. It is ideal for making delicate desserts like pudding and mousses.
3. Powdered Sugar: This refined, granulated sugar is made from sugar that has been ground and sifted. It is used in desserts, icing and whipped cream.
4. Fruit Sugar: It comprises smaller, more uniform crystals. It is ideal for dry mixes, pudding desserts and powdered drinks.
What is Brown Sugar?
Brown sugar is just white sugar that has been treated with molasses, a type of sugar-derived syrup. It is responsible for its darker colour and slightly increases its colour. It comes in several forms, depending on its moisture content, that can be modified through different processing techniques and by adjusting the amount of molasses.
Types Of Brown Sugar
These usually have moist and chewy textures. The different types of brown sugar are:
1. Light Brown Sugar: It is approximate for bakes goods and sauces
2. Dark Brown Sugar: It is darker than regular brown sugar. Moreover, the molasses flavour is used in gingerbread recipes, black beans and barbecued foods.
3. Muscovado Sugar: It is unrefined cane sugar that still contains natural molasses. As a result, the crystals are slightly coarser and stickier than regular brown sugar. Nevertheless, you can use them in recipes that require a strong molasses flavour.
4. Turbinado Sugar: Features a blond colour and mild flavour. It is sometimes referred to as demerara or raw cane sugar and is only partially processed by manufacturers. Moreover, it has bigger crystals than brown sugar.
Nutritional Difference Between Brown Sugar And White Sugar
White and brown sugar is derived from the same crops — either sugarcane or sugar beet — they are very similar. In reality, most brown sugar is a combination of white sugar and molasses, a type of sugar-derived syrup. Molasses is responsible for their darker colour and slightly increase their nutritional value.
The most noticeable nutritional difference is that brown sugar contains slightly more calcium, iron, and potassium. However, the amounts of these minerals in brown sugar are insignificant, so it is not a good source of vitamins or minerals.
Brown sugar has fewer calories than white sugar, but the difference is negligible. Brown sugar has 15 calories per teaspoon (4 grams), while white sugar has 16.3 calories per teaspoon. Aside from these minor distinctions, they are nutritionally equivalent. Their primary distinctions are their taste and colour.
Differences In Flavour And Colouring
The main differences between white sugar and brown sugar are their taste and colour. Swapping white sugar for brown sugar in recipes will affect the colour of foods, giving a light caramel or brown hue.
Contrarily, baking with white sugar will result in a lighter-coloured product. Thus, whichever you choose will depend on your desired result.
White sugar and brown sugar also have unique flavour profiles. For example, brown sugar has a deep, caramel or toffee-like flavour due to the added molasses. For this reason, it works well in chocolate cakes, cookies, and rich fruit cakes.
On the other hand, white sugar is sweeter, so you can use less of it to attain your desired taste. In addition, its neutral flavour makes it a versatile ingredient in baking, working well in fruit sponges and sweet pastries.
Which Should You Choose?
The difference between white sugar and brown sugar is a matter of personal preference, as the primary differences between the two are taste and colour. Although brown sugar has more minerals than white sugar, the amounts are so small that they are ineffective for health.
Significantly, sugar contributes to the obesity epidemic and is a major cause of diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. As a result, it is recommended to limit your daily sugar intake to 5-10% of your total calories. This should, however, be limited even further for optimal health.
While it is acceptable to indulge in a sugary treat but should be limited to a healthy diet, therefore, when choosing between brown or white sugar, let your preference guide you, as they will have similar effects on your health.
The Bottom Line
Sugar is primarily used for flavouring, improving texture and taste, and as a preservative, with white sugar and brown sugar having different qualities but serving the same purpose. From a health standpoint, limit your sugar intake because it contains a lot of carbs and calories, which are bad for weight loss, diabetes, cholesterol, and so on.
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