
In learning and development industry from time-to-time new buzzwords come up which blows away the industry and let people innovate, think through, and deploy new ways of workforce learning. In the same way in 2018, Josh Bersin introduced learning in the flow of work and today I intend to demystify it and make it simple for organisations to adopt it.
What is Learning in the Flow of Work (LITFOW)?
LITFOW is a form of informal learning characterized by:

In today’s context LIFOW entails:
- Right Technology: Creatively leveraging technology in crafting simulated learning experiences
- Just in time: Right mix of self-learning and just in time coaching by experts/ coaches which is more self-directed and personalized to the need of a learner
- Micro-learning: D-I-Y micro-learning content or experiences by self-practice and in the flow of work on micro-skills
To activate and create LITFOW, organizations can adopt Kognoz 4EX framework:
From “awareness” to “application” there are multiple micro-cycles of exposure, experience, exploitation and exploring…

Exposure: the learner(s) is/are exposed to an environment which is rich in learning experiences and learning possibilities. This drives curiosity and motivation for the learner to learn more about the environment through immersion, and peer inquiry.
Experience: the learner(s) is/are provided with a plethora of opportunities to use and refine learned information and test their intuition(s) across a range of scenarios. The scenarios can test and refine learning by testing knowledge depth, width, as well as testing at different intensities to ensure learner proficiency and aptitude. All throughout this process, there is an emphasis on creating memorable positive experiences – both individual and collective – to ensure learning is amply focused on driving performance and creativity.
Exploit, the learner(s) further exploits their learned skills and make visible improvement in related tasks performance by applying concepts at workplace, driving outcomes that further their self-determined goals: giving them a sense of achievement: making them more capable, more autonomous, and more attuned to their peers, workplace, and organizational culture.
Exploration is focused on enabling the learner and the learning community with the right resources and iterative developments to continue to enhance their learning experience. As the learner continues to explore and learn autonomously, higher and higher-order opportunities for well-being, performance, creativity, and innovation can become available for the learner – as well as the learning community.
We believe the 4EX methodology leads to a force-multiplier effect across organizations and helps organizations implement LITFOW. As the underlying science is robust and the executive principles are iteratively refined (in accordance with the latest developments in academic research), we are at the forefront of learning and development methodology: continually shifting the paradigm in terms of creating and sustaining learning cultures.