
covering key aspects of the industry’s evolution and identifying potential future growth opportunities.
To order this 400+ page report, which features 145+ figuresand 205+ tables, please visit this -
Key Market Insights
§ More than 110 drugs,capable of penetrating this elusive barrier are currently being evaluated forthe treatment of CNS disorders; there are 35+ technology platforms for thedevelopment of BBB penetrant drugs
§ Majority of drugcandidates are currently in the early stages of development, and are intendedfor the treatment of neurological conditions; a large proportion of theexisting pipeline molecules are biologics
§ In order to achieve acompetitive edge, several technology developers are presently focusing on theintegration of advanced technical features into their proprietary drugdevelopment / delivery platforms
§ An assessment of 240+drug developers, focused on Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases, revealed thatmany such firms are likely to partner with technology providers in order toleverage their BBB penetration expertise
§ Over the years, morethan 16,700 patents related to BBB technologies have been filed / granted tovarious industry and non-industry players, indicating the pace of R&Dactivity in this burgeoning field of research
§ Foreseeing alucrative future, several private and public investors have invested close toUSD 1 billion, across more than 70 funding instances
§ Revenues generatedfrom the sales of BBB penetrating drugs are anticipated to be well distributedacross different types of molecules, target disease indications and variousglobal regions over time
§ In the near-term, theopportunity is likely to be driven by licensing activity driven by thecapability of leading BBB penetrating technologies to successfully facilitatedrug delivery into the brain
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Contact Details
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415