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- Most guys wear clothes that are too large. Make sure everything you wear is almost hugging the shape of your body – without being tight.
- Check if you are buying a thing simply because of the brand name or because you love the quality and style.
- You want a wardrobe that looks great on you, but don’t overdo it. Don’t wear more than three pieces of jewelry or more than three colors. Don’t dress like a rock star unless you’re in a band.
- Shop with a friend who will give you their honest opinion.
- If it’s one thing that women will notice, it’s your shoes. Especially how clean and sharp they look. It’s easy to wash and press the rest of your clothes to keep them looking new, but most guys disregard their shoes.
- When you’re going around with a big logo on your shirt, you risk looking like a walking billboard.
Don't be clean chit. Beards look sexy. I definitely get attracted to men with dense, black beard.
A big no for low waist jeans
Red colour jeans look pathetic; fitted jeans look good but not skinny .
V collar t-shirt look feminine to me.
Don't be so muscular that you are walking with raised shoulder.
Tight fitting t - shirt looks so uncomfortable that even the person looking at you feels suffocating.
Go simple with your hairstyle. Long hair, hair in a pony tail, wearing hearband, use of highlighter and spikes make you look cartoon.
Don't wear goggles all time irrespective of weather and place ; it took me time to understand that not all those who wear goggles are blind ; some are fools too . And it is irritating to talk to someone seeing your own reflection on the glasses , so while communicating you may remove the goggles actually you should remove the goggles .
Full buttoned long sleeves shirt that are rolled up ; with no tie and first button of shirt unbuttoned __ looks ultimate.
Piercing of eye brow, chin and wearing useless accessories like chain on hand and neck looks pathetic.
Don't wax your chest hair . It looks manly.
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