Guayusa Leaf Extract Liquid is clean energy in a convenient 12oz bottle, packed with goodness! With more caffeine than Yerba mate and green tea, without the Tannins the make coffee bitter and without the mid-day crash, cravings or jitters this extract will give your performance without side effects.
Guayusa Leaf Extract Liquid is clean energy in a convenient 12oz bottle, packed with goodness! With more caffeine than Yerba mate and green tea, without the Tannins the make coffee bitter and without the mid-day crash, cravings or jitters this extract will give your performance without side effects.
Clean, Organic Energy Drink! Guayusa is a naturally-caffeinated herbal liquid Extract from the Amazon rain forest. Guayusa Liquid Extract is mother earths coffee alternative gift. For Coffee lovers, get clean sustainable energy with no jitters or crash. Boost performance, endurance, strength, mental alertness and vitality without the jitters, crash, or bitters often associated with Coffee. Support calm awakeness and lucid dreams.