
There are several reasons why Ekadasi is a tithi of absent-mindedness and not of high mental or physical activity. As if you read the rules of Ekadasi fasting, any kind of physical or mental excursion is prohibited, as what happens on dashmi is that when the energy downpours from Sky, this is the purest form of nectar which comes in the form of ether, and our body absorbs it but this being the element of sky body requires time to absorb this energy. Imagine travelling to mountains, and suddenly you will feel your head is getting heavy; the reason is the human body does not easily absorb the high energy of mountains and makes you dizzy.
Similarly, the energy of ether of dasami is not easily absorbed by the body, and the brain goes into the absent mode where even if you are working. However, your thought process is still elsewhere; you feel lost and wander around in your own world.
What happens astronomically is that Sun and Moon are 120 degrees apart, and this is the period when tithi starts and goes up to 132 degrees. This is an angle of harmony and support and shows that two luminaries of this universe are in sync to help the universe; this is the period when Soul and Mind are supporting each other to overcome any problems or disputes which have happened over a while, As most of the time we are going through a tug fight between the Soul and Mind, but it is only the tithi of Ekadasi when these two come together to support each other so unresolved issues which are deeply embedded inside us starts getting resolved. This is also a tithi for resolution when two people come to a common agreement; I have seen many times when you are not getting a way out, try it on Ekadasi tithi; things will move in an extremely smooth manner in all cases of mediation.
If you are looking to mediate for your court case, marriage, or business deals and want a way out of it, Please start a conversation on Ekadasi; you will definitely find a way out of this.
Ekadasi is the tithi to resolve internal conflicts and get healed, but why fast on this day, and how does it help us grow in life? You must have read many Ekadasi stories where a saint tells another person to fast on Ekadasi. You will get free from a certain problem – every story’s meanings are much deeper than what we read. Even before we read any story, we should have the context of why Ekadasi vrat is mentioned to a particular person in a particular condition and why Ekadasi of the particular month only is mentioned.
Since we know, this is the tithi of being absent-minded but what is meant by absent-minded is that we are so engrossed in one topic or person or place that we do not want to think about anything else in life. Due to this, we are in a state we ignore a lot of rules and bypass all the regulations as well, due to which we commit some kind of Sin that we do not perform intentionally. Still, by mistakes only, there are so many mistakes we commit in life that are done unintentionally when we are focusing on completing one task, we ignore some other rules; these sins are wiped off when we fast on Ekadasi tithi. Read Complete Blog