
Anyone who gets a period knows the process of preparing for its arrival. Whether dashing to the store to buy tampons or being overwhelmed with sudden food cravings, humans have been dealing with periods forever. However, just because it’s something familiar and expected doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from trying something new. Of course, several period products exist today that can get the job done, but period underwear is making waves as one of the simplest and best options out there.
If you aren’t familiar with period underwear, it is reusable leakproof underwear that absorbs all leaks. The best period underwear will feature a thin, absorbent gusset without feeling bulky or wet. Plus they are comfortable and stylish too. You can wear them on their own or as extra protection with other period products. Once you try them, you won’t want to go back.
Still not sure? Here are five reasons to upgrade your period care products:
1. They Fit Your Lifestyle
Forget about sitting on the sideline during your period. Period underwear helps you lead an active lifestyle without sacrificing or missing out on the activities you enjoy. Putting on a pair of leakproof underwear is no different than donning a clean pair of regular underwear in the morning—just slip them on, and off you go. The simplicity and convenience of period underwear can’t be beaten as they provide the same freedom you’re accustomed to any other day of the month. You can travel, hike, bike, run, shop, work, or go to the gym without fuss. While the idea of period underwear might sound a bit strange at first, once you experience the benefits, you’ll quickly adapt and wonder how you ever lived without them.
2. They Are Sustainable
Buying single-use tampons, pads, and panty liners month after month gets old and tiresome fast—especially considering the negative impact these products have on the environment. Reusable period care products like leakproof underwear, period cups, and discs replace disposable liners, pads, and tampons, making them a responsible and sustainable choice. They are also more convenient as they require zero trips to the store (unless you need a chocolate bar).
3. They Are Budget Friendly
While a box of tampons or pads might cost less than the initial investment of purchasing reusable period products, they add up over time. When you consider that a reusable cup for period use can last up to 10 years, one period cup or a few pairs of period underwear pale in comparison to the yearly cost of stocking up on disposable supplies. Reusable period products are a wise investment as they help spare waste for the planet and help you save money over time.
4. They Are Low Maintenance
If you’re worried about how to care for period underwear, just know they are super easy to clean and maintain. After wearing a pair, simply rinse with cold water to avoid staining, then hand wash or machine wash with cold water and hang to dry. You can use detergent, but it’s typically best to avoid fabric softener, bleach, and ironing. To ensure you get the most extended life out of your period underwear, consider using a mesh laundry bag for delicates and avoid the dryer, as high temperatures can degrade the elastics and fabrics.
5. They Are Stylish
If you were picturing something bulky and diaper-like in appearance, think again! Premium leakproof underwear is just as stylish as it is functional. It might surprise you to learn that period underwear comes in many different cuts, styles, and colors. Of course, everyone’s flow is unique, so there are varying absorbency and style options to suit everyone’s needs.
About Saalt
Never settle for period products that don’t make you feel comfortable with your flow. Saalt provides reusable products that never require you to settle for anything less than the premium period products you deserve. With everything from reusable period cups and discs to leakproof underwear, you can always stay dry and comfortable during your period. Saalt is also a hub for information about vaginas and periods that is actually accessible and fun to read. Get rid of outdated period care and stop dealing with leaks, wetness, and period secrecy. Let Saalt upgrade your period care and keep you comfortable, dry, and leak-free with their sustainable products.
Discover the benefits of reusable period care products from Saalt at
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