
The Complete Guide to Intermittent Fasting
Are you looking to lose weight while getting healthier at the same time?
You may be wondering if intermittent fasting (the practice of alternating periods of fasting and eating) is for you. Some people think it sounds dangerous, and others assume that it’s just a trendy, ineffective diet. But we have the truth about intermittent fasting! To learn more about this diet plan, keep reading.
The History of Intermittent Fasting (IF)
Intermittent fasting for weight loss is more than just a fad. It’s actually been practiced all throughout history. People now are just re-discovering the power of this weight loss plan!
Intermittent fasting is done exclusively by people who are overweight, which separates it from the unhealthy choice to starve yourself. When you’re doing intermittent fasting correctly, it won’t cause you any harm. You’ll always have food available. But instead of just eating whenever you want, you’ll schedule times for eating. This often results in weight loss.
If you think about it, we all practice intermittent fasting to a certain extent. When you stop eating after dinner until breakfast the next day, you’re fasting. For many people, that’s 12 to 14 hours. That’s why it’s called “breakfast.” It’s when you break your fast. With IF, you’re doing the same thing in a more strategic way.
How to Intermittent Fast 3 Ways
The amount of time you go without eating will vary depending on your plan. For some people, it might be a few hours, and for others, it’s a few days. Some people will even fast for a week or more. But there are a few methods that are the most popular.
Full-Day Fast
Some people will fast for a full 24 hours for one or two days a week. The most popular way to do this is to stop eating after dinner one day and not eat again until dinner the next day.
The 5:2 Method
This method includes eating normally for five days in the week. But for two consecutive days in the week, you’ll practice eating only 500 to 600 calories. That’s usually one meal or two small meals.
The 16/8 Method
With this type of fasting, you’ll only eat within an eight-hour time period. You’ll be fasting for the remaining 16 hours. Usually, this means you skip breakfast.
How Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss Works
How Your Body Stores Fat
When you practice intermittent fasting, you’re forcing your body to use your energy that’s stored. One of the ways your body does this is by burning fat. When you’re not eating, your body is “eating” the fat you’ve stored for energy. When you’re eating, your insulin levels rise. This helps you store your excess energy. One way this can happen is when carbohydrates are broken down into glucose units. The glucose is then linked into long chains called glycogen.
Everyone has limited storage for carbohydrates. Once your body is at capacity, the excess carbohydrates become fat. Some of this fat gets stored in your liver, but most of it goes to your body’s fat deposits.
How Intermittent Fasting Burns Fat
So how do you reverse this process? One of the most effective ways you can do this is through intermittent fasting! This causes your insulin levels to fall. You’ll no longer have new energy coming in through food, so your body will burn the “old” energy you’ve stored. Your blood glucose will fall, which makes your body begin to pull glucose out of storage to burn for energy.
Glycogen is the easiest energy source to access. It breaks down into glucose molecules to provide energy for your body’s other cells. This can provide enough energy for your body for up to 36 hours. After your glycogen supply has been exhausted, your body turns to fat for energy.
Your body is always either storing food for energy for burn energy that’s already been stored. If you’re eating from the moment you wake up until the time you go to sleep again, you’re always in the fed state. Eventually, this will cause you to gain weight. You won’t have given your body the chance to burn stored energy.
If you want to lose weight, you should increase the amount of time that you spend burning food for energy. That’s what intermittent fasting is. It’s just using the fat you’ve stored for energy, which is exactly what it was intended for.
Intermittent Fasting Benefits Besides Weight Loss
Intermittent fasting results in many benefits besides weight loss. One advantage it has over other weight loss methods is it’s a relatively small commitment compared to other weight loss plans. It can actually save you time and money because you’re spending less time eating and spending less money on food.
One of the biggest benefits of intermittent fasting is it can reverse type 2 diabetes for some people. Intermittent fasting may reduce your risk of Alzheimer’s. It also might reduce inflammation, which is at the root of many serious health conditions. Because of this, it’s no wonder that fasting could prolong your lifespan.
When you first start intermittent fasting, you may experience an increase in growth hormone. It can also improve your blood cholesterol level. Intermittent fasting for weight loss can help your body detox and activate cellular cleansing. You’ll experience increased energy and improved mental clarity. You’ll be able to concentrate for longer periods of time.
Get Maximum Intermittent Fasting Results with Our Help!
You’re going to love how much intermittent fasting can simplify everyday life while also giving you the weight loss results you want. If you want to experience maximum results from intermittent fasting, talk to the professionals at the Chicago Weight Loss & Wellness Clinics. Learn more about intermittent fasting under medical supervision by calling us today!
Frequently Asked Questions About Intermittent Fasting
What are the side effects of the intermittent fasting diet?
There are very few side effects of intermittent fasting, especially compared to other diet plans. However, the main precaution is when you first start fasting. You may feel weak and experience brain fog while your body adjusts.
Can I still drink during the fasting period?
Yes! It’s important to stay hydrated when you aren’t eating. Make sure you drink a lot of water. You can also drink coffee or tea. Although it’s okay to add a little cream or milk, you should NOT add sugar to your beverages.
Will fasting make me lose muscle?
Just like with any weight loss plan, it’s possible you’ll lose muscle while fasting. However, if you know how to intermittent fast correctly, you won’t have to worry about this. Make sure you are eating plenty of protein and working out with weights.
Should I exercise while fasting?
For best weight loss results, you should do some exercise during your fast. Many experts recommending exercising in the morning.