
Donation | Prominent Technologies - Skill based Game Machine near me PA, KY, VA, USA
February 2022
Warren County Public Schools
Thank you "Warren County Public Schools" for allowing us to donate to the tornado relief fund! We're thankful for the opportunity!
"PROMINENT GAMES" IS A PROUD PARTNER IN THE KENTUCKY BUSINESS COMMUNITY!! And committed to being responsible corporate citizens. Each year, we give both money and volunteer hours to local families and organizations to help strengthen our communities.
Donation Help Our People. Our little efforts support charities to accomplish their mission. Although we put all our time and tool into helping charities, through our donation program, as a result, they can focus on developing their programs and mission and also to outreach and benefit others with their causes.
Our goal is to create value for all our near and their ones. Prominent games focus on supporting the US community and continuously working towards becoming better corporate citizens. For example, following natural disasters like a tornado or earthquake, many people rely on the generosity of strangers to help rebuild their lives. Donations to disaster relief organizations, local food and diaper banks, and other charities can make a big difference to people in great need.