
A regularly maintained car will always extend the life of your car,
as recommended by the manufacturer, if you don’t have a brand new car odds are you don’t have oil level sensors. That being said check your oil levels once every couple weeks or once a month at least. Small oil leaks might not be that troubling but lower oil levels will deteriorate the life of your engine internals fast. ( if you drive an older car a good tip is to look at your parking spot when you pull out in the morning, if there are some oil spots, stop and check your oil levels)
• Tire rotation and wheel balance every couple months
• check all fluid levels regularly
• Transmission fluid almost never needs to be changed, through my experience changing transmission fluid can cause more problems than fix. Unless your transmission is acting up DO NOT CHANGE THE FLUID.
• Radiator fluids; never just put water in your radiator, if you live in a warm climate city 50/50 solutions are what you want to use. Water on it’s own can corrode the coolant lines. 100% solutions are recommended for colder climates because water can freeze your lines and can cause you engine to over heat.
• Use recommend fuel for your car. If you use cheaper fuel it will cause residue which can lead to the fuel filter clogging, the fuel pump to eventually seize, and can reduce efficiency.
• also try to not empty out your fuel tank too much . It’s recommended to fill your tank when it reaches 1/4. Gas stations could have bad gasoline which can leave residue on the bottom of your gas tank, if you empty your tank too many times it causes your filter to clog up faster .
• One last tip; if you have a chip in your windshield, get it sealed up. I can’t even count how many small chips turned into a huge crack within a day. Just get it done so you don’t have to pay 4x the price to get the windshield replaced!
Hope this helps, if you follow these steps your car will last longer and you’ll be safe on the road.
Ogonn car rental gives you properly maintained cars with all safety gears, So your journey can be safe and sound. Book car hire now.