
If you’re looking to sell a semi-truck, it can be a lot more difficult than trying to sell your average commuter car. The market is much narrower, and the cost of a semi-truck is typically a lot higher. While some traditional vehicle-selling methods might work, there are better ways to sell a semi-truck than those you’d use to sell your car. Keep reading to learn more about your options, including some of the traditional methods.
Private Sales
Private sales are a popular option for commuter cars, but they tend to lack results regarding semi-trucks. The primary reason for this is that semi-truck buyers want a lot more information about the vehicle they’re buying. A semi-truck is an active part of somebody’s career and earning potential. They need to ask not only the typical questions about things like mileage and vehicle history but towing capabilities, sleeper cab specifications, and more. Test drives are a bit less viable with a semi-truck since you need to haul a load to get a good feel for how it handles.
Still, it is a possibility to sell a semi in this way. Some truckers will search for new trucks on Craig’s List or Facebook Marketplace and will reach out with those additional questions they need to be answered. If you want to sell your truck on your own, it’s an option worth considering.
Truck Auctions
Truck auctions can be a great way to target your specific market—other truck drivers. They’ll look to truck auctions as a way to find many different semis to choose from in hopes of buying at a low price. Of course, sellers are hoping to get a higher price for their trucks, so there’s no guarantee that you’ll get the amount you want. Your truck might end up selling for well below market value—or it could sell for well above the retail price. Are you willing to flip the coin?
Truck Sites and Magazines
The trucking community is a narrow niche, but it’s a close-knit one too. Many different magazines and websites are targeted at truckers, and those are great places to list your truck for sale. You’ll have to consider the cost of high-quality images and pay for the cost of the listing, but you’re guaranteed to get your truck in front of the target market with these kinds of ads.
Sell or Trade-In with a Dealer
A dealer is a reliable way to sell your truck, even if you might not get the highest price for it. If you’re buying a new truck, you can trade in the semi for a significant discount on your next semi. Even if you’re getting out of trucking, selling to a dealer can provide you with a hefty chick quickly and easily. If you’re listing semi-trucks for sale in Fontana, consider selling to a dealer if you want to minimize the type, expense, and hassle of selling.