
Five deadly activities that distract a person behind the wheel
Every truck driver in the city of Spokane is distracted from driving the truck to one degree or another while driving. On the one hand, this is easy to understand, because a person is not a robot, but on the other hand, the higher the speed, the more likely it is to get into a serious accident due to distracted attention.
The worst thing is when a person driving a truck not only switches his attention to foreign objects, but in addition to this, at full speed, he also releases the steering wheel for some action. Surely there are "stuntmen" who, at a decent speed, are not averse to throwing the wheel at all for a couple of seconds, freeing both hands to, for example, open a bottle of mineral water. At the same time, they will hold the steering wheel with their knees. From the very beginning of training, instructors warn that driving safety is paramount. After all, a truck that is not controlled by the driver, when it carries even a small-sized cargo or a truck equipped with an automatic transmission, can be vulnerable to any, even a minor, flaw in the asphalt, which can easily knock the truck off the path. Not to mention other extreme situations that can arise on the road at any moment.
For many of our contemporaries, the smartphone has long turned into a sacred totem, which they are no longer able to let go of, day or night. It's no secret that a lot of drivers continue to ignore the ban on talking on the phone while driving without using a hands-free device.In addition, among them there are many who manage to actively correspond at full speed while driving, using a messenger, using a search engine or reading the news. What it threatens, we will not repeat.
A standard multimedia system usually requires special attention. Sometimes the driver is distracted by it while driving. Most often, the cause is a capricious navigator when you have to reconfigure the route on the go.
Another reason to focus on multimedia is to search for the desired radio station or the necessary media file on a flash drive or on a connected gadget. All this in one second can lead to the most sad and irreparable consequences.
Eating at high speed is also extremely dangerous for all road users. Banal things can cause an involuntary and inadequate reaction of the driver - a hot piece in the mouth, a piece of sandwich that has fallen to the floor, spilled coffee, a greasy drop of sauce on clothes, sticky hands, searching for a napkin, and so on. In such conditions, food will certainly not go to good use, so it is better to eat a meal while sitting in a roadside cafe.
Often the driver is not stopped from rash actions by a smartphone, charger, sunglasses, flash drive or any other trifle that has fallen on the floor. It is worse if the cork from a bottle of water falls, and it is quite dangerous when it is an unextinguished cigarette. If the car does not have a cup holder, then the container will have to be held in your hand so as not to spill the liquid. And the bull can fall not only on the rug, but, even worse, right on the seat between the driver's legs.And after all, there are those who, instead of stopping immediately in this situation, will try to grope for a half-smoked cigarette with their hands, bending at full speed into three deaths ...
From among the drivers, someone suddenly felt the urge to take off or put on a jacket, sweater or jacket while driving, not everyone will find it necessary to park for this. Especially if a passenger is sitting next to him in the front seat, who will undertake to help him. Alas, such madness on the part of drivers happens regularly.
Of all the listed actions, the SDA prohibits the helmsman from using only one while driving without using a hands-free device, as mentioned above. However, every driver, regardless of age, gender and experience, should use common sense and be aware that any factor that distracts him from driving a truck can easily lead to the most terrible accidents and take other people's lives.