
Rehabilitation of patients with neurological problems is the focus of neurological physiotherapy.
The treatment goal of neurological physiotherapy
Problems with the brain, spinal cord, or peripheral nerves are examples of neurological conditions. Neurological Physiotherapy in Mumbai Physical functions such as mobility, muscle strength, range of motion, and balance may be impaired in people with neurological diseases.
Neurological physiotherapy is a type of rehabilitation that examines and treats physical difficulties caused by a person's neurological condition. Neurological physiotherapy seeks to improve the quality of life of patients suffering from neurological disorders through physical techniques. Every person with a neurological illness has a unique presentation. Your disease and symptoms will be the focus of your treatment.
The goal of neurological physiotherapy treatment
- Rehabilitate
- Reduce physical degeneration
- Help children with impairments reach developmental milestones by maximizing their potential.
Neurological physiotherapy principles
- Brain or spinal cord damage, the brain is dynamic and capable of adjusting to change.
- Using a problem-solving and eclectic approach, treatment is tailored to the patient's symptoms and level of harm.
- Encouraging and enhancing movement through strengthening, sensory stimulation, positive reward, and verbal feedback.
- Normal movement and function are encouraged.
- Correcting and altering posture and alignment while laying, sitting, and standing Promotion of functional activities centered on daily chores
- Use of verbal and visual cues to help patients to think about their tasks and learn from their therapy.
- Muscle shortening should be avoided because it leads to stiffness and aberrant movement.
Treatment with physiotherapy will help:
- Make accurate and goal-directed movements easier to achieve.
- Retrain regular movement patterns
- Improve your ability in everyday activities.
- Muscle strength should be increased.
- Increase your range of motion.
- Enhance your gross or fine motor skills.
- Improve your posture.
- Improve balance
- Stretch out tight muscles to aid with stiffness and contractures.
- Improve your fitness and endurance.
- Assist with respiratory issues
- Reduce your chances of getting a chest infection.
- Reduce the risk of falling
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Relieve pain
- Increase independence
- Achieve maximum potential