
How often do we remember to take care of ourselves? Do we always have to wait for a big achievement to celebrate? Don’t the little wins matter too? These are some of the questions that popped into my mind recently—when I completed a 2-year project at work place. Read on to know how I celebrated this achievement.
Reaping the results of hard work
If there’s one lesson that has stuck to my head since my school days, it is that ‘hard work always pays off’. I’ve been working as the project coordinator for the past 3 years at one of the local ad agencies here in Sydney. I was assigned a new project in my second year and I believe it’s one of the best things that has happened to me. However, looking back, I feel proud that I proactively worked towards seeing its final outcome. The official completion of the project will be in November. Perfect time to celebrate aboard one of the Christmas party cruises in Sydney, isn’t it? I should heartily mention my team members who deserve equal appreciation in this project. Perhaps, I’ll take them too aboard for a harbour cruise with a Christmas party in Sydney.
Celebrating the Little Wins as Much as the Big Wins
All my days, since the time I graduated from college, I’ve been working day in and out, for money of course. But sometimes I questioned why I was working so hard. I needed a break too. And that’s when I started celebrating my little wins just like my bigger wins at work.
Treating myself didn’t just mean helping myself to loads of food, drinks and goodies. I had to celebrate every little moment of my life. But ‘how’, you may ask? I’ll paint you a picture here: Last year around this time, I was just recovering from a bad fight with my family and they disowned me. My only source of income was my 9 to 5 job and one day I met with an accident. I was hospitalised for a week following a severe fracture in my right leg. I can now imagine the grimace on your face as you read this. But hear me out folks. I’m glad I had some savings to fall back on. After a few months, I started working from home and was soon back on my feet. If it weren’t for that one accident, I wouldn’t be grateful for whatever I have today. Presently, I am expecting a promotion and a salary hike too. It doesn’t look so bad now, does it? My personal definition of ‘treating’ revolves around taking care of oneself every day and celebrating and being grateful for everything in my life.
Accepting Life’s Highs & Lows
Sometimes, when I look at a calendar, I wonder about the unequal distribution of holidays. You might even argue about why Christmas in Australia should be celebrated in July and not in December (for obvious reasons). But does anything good come of it? Not at all. And life is just like that. Sometimes life gives you the most citric lemons and oranges that you might not be able to accommodate. But sometimes it’s honey and rainbows. And it’s unpredictable; you gotta take them as it comes. Life teaches you, humbles you and mostly proves you wrong too. But all through this, if you work hard enough to keep yourself sane, you could probably make a meaning of it. You may take my word for it.
So, what do you think folks? Have you been treating yourself well? Share your thoughts with me in the comment box.