
Ever felt that impending cloud of gloom when you’re nearing the end of another year? That’s the New Year’s blues kicking in. Whether or not you experience it, the feeling can be very real and nagging. I myself have suffered a few bouts in the past years and I’ve found ways to tackle it most effectively. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, I suggest being with someone who loves you and cares for you might be a big help. And here are some things you can do with your loved ones on New Year’s Eve.
Celebrate togetherness aboard the New Year Cruises
I’m a proud Sydneysider and I’ve always enjoyed watching the fireworks–on screen or off screen. In the past few years, I was fortunate to spend every New Year’s Eve with my closest friends and now it has become a tradition indeed. Fitting into a right circle of people who you can unhesitatingly call ‘friends’ may not be easy. But if you do have a group of friends living in the same city, then that’s your key to living a dream on New Year’s Eve. One of my favourite experiences till date are the ever-popular New Year’s Eve cruises on Sydney Harbour. These cruises offer a spectacular experience of the fireworks display and other NYE festivities on the harbour. A breathtaking show indeed!
On New Year’s Eve-starting fresh
Every day is a new chance to renew your being, your dreams and whatever you value the most in life. And so is every year, an opportunity to revive your life to its best potential. Are you thinking of that one friend who you lost on the way, or your parents whom you haven’t seen in a year or perhaps your partner whom you’ve been distancing away from? This is your time to make amends. Drop by their place, write a letter or make a phone call to let yourself be seen and heard. After all, would we all survive without the people in our lives? Are you ready to start off on a fresh page this new year?
Take decisions together
What intrigues me most about life is how futile it feels if we have no goals and aspirations. It might be something as small as saving up to buy a laptop or a phone or something big buying a new house in the city. This is for families and couples who are looking for ways to reconnect; making new plans together is always a great way to build and bind a strong relationship. This New Year’s Eve could be a great opportunity for you and your loved ones to sit down and have a talk about your priorities, goals and dreams. I wouldn’t be what I am if I hadn’t talked to my parents about my new job and my decision to move out from their place. It takes courage to make new decisions and act on it with just as much fervour. So I say, thumbs up to your dreams and your decision to make it come true together.
Gratefulness for the companionship
“We’re not as lonely as we think”, is one of those thoughts that has helped me survive my bad days in the past. Every new year reminds you of all the good things and bad things that life throws in your way, and it is a wonderful occasion to be grateful of how far you’ve come. To me, the most inevitable part of surviving has always been the people around me. This New Year’s Eve, take the opportunity to show your gratitude towards the people in your life who've been with you through thick and thin.
Not to get you all mushed up with all the corny stuff I just listed, but New Year’s Eve is an absolute blessing that gives us all the opportunity to reflect and make the necessary changes in our lives. So, have you any thoughts on these? If yes, please feel free to reach out to me.