
Best of Vivid Sydney 2022 to Look Forward To!
Vivid Sydney has become somewhat of an institution over its course of time. It’s also an all time favourite festival of mine because of what it represents–that special time of the year with the crisp winter chill, the water is the most blue and a sense of excitement within the entire city. And beyond that, it's a celebration of art and creativity! The festival launched on the 27th of May and what a series of nights we had so far!
If you're still yet to experience the festival, give it a go and take a note of these must-see events and attractions!
Most of the festival-favourite attractions and draw cards reside in and around Sydney Harbour, making it a hub for festival-goers. The iconic Opera House will be transformed into a multi-coloured painting, an animated depiction of ‘Yarrkalpa – Hunting ground’ with the help of Sydney based creative artists Curiious. This eye-catching spectacle along with the illumination of the Harbour Bridge, the Luna Park and more can be experienced best on board a Vivid Harbour Cruise. Cruises are a popular attraction in Sydney, especially during the festival because it offers views like no other in a crowd-free environment, along with mouth-watering food and bevvies! With a variety of vessels to choose from–modern catamarans, premium glass boats and authentic paddlewheeler–you can enjoy a dining experience that suits your interests, while enjoying the splendid vivid lights!
Light Walk is without a doubt one of the major crowd-pullers of the event, spanning all corners of the Central business District (CBD). The festival being back after a two year hiatus has brought immense changes and exciting introductions to the festival, one of them being the Light Walk stretching for over 8kms! It can actually take 2-4 nights to fully complete it and take in all the attractions on the way! The walk will feature more than 200 LED-sculptured birds of varied species to guide you throughout the walk. 2022 also has another surprise on the Light Walk with an added element of music! Tumbalong Park hosts Tumbalong Nights every Wednesday to Saturday, with free music concerts. You can also catch DJ performances every night at The Goods Line at Haymarket!
Dell Australia is one of the co-sponsors of the festival this year and they bring their creative platform ‘Youniverse’ to us! It’s a universal platform letting you get into what you truly are or what you aspire to be, by empowering you with the right mind through immersive experiences! You will be guided to a series of immersive experiences–to a whole new ‘Youniverse’, if you please. The Augmented Reality Gallery will mesmerise you with artworks that come to life off the dome, letting you in on the creative process of the artists and an elevated perspective of the artworks. Next, you will be given the choice to enter two Youniverses–The Future Fashion Youniverse and Cyber City Youniverse. While the former wraps you up in lights and projections as you walk a futuristic runway, in the latter one, you will be a giant in a manga-based environment that defies gravity!
What's a festival without music? Yes, there are plenty of free music events and concerts that will get you going throughout the festival, but a powerful gospel performance is surely something else. One of the nation's musical gems, Marcia Hines will fill her soul into a driving musical performance at St.Stephen's Uniting Church on the 11th of June. Marcia dominated the musical charts in her prime days and has inspired people from every corner of the planet with her impeccable talent and encouragement.