YouTube audio downloader
YouTube audio downloader
YouTube audio downloader

With free downloads, it is not only that the people who have downloaded will listen to your music but they will pass it on to others as well including their family and friends who are interested in similar music. You should encourage people to share your music and invite comments.

You could also give out CDs at cost price and ensure all of your IDs are printed on every CD label. Encourage them to share the CD or rip the music on to another CD and share it with others. You can grow the number of listeners in this way.

You must and should put up your music on You Tube and while the music is playing do put up the short video YouTube audio downloader or pictures of the band and give a listing of your upcoming events and shows. Make sure your publicize your social networking IDs every where.

Always check out the scene with other bands and competition. They could be doing something new to promote their band, in which case you can pick up and improvise on the same idea too or they could be doing the same thing that you are doing too. But then you will always get more ideas to develop.