
Top Tools Used by Full Stack Developers
Microsoft Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code (VSCode) is the most popular IDE (Integrated Development Environment) among full-stack developers. This is due to its simple user interface, allowing even inexperienced developers to get started immediately. VSCode also comes with many extensions that can do everything from speed up your coding to checking for code errors and changing your color scheme (because no one likes a light IDE).
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The following are some of the best VSCode extensions:
Colorizer for Bracket Pairs
The Bracket Pair Colorizer uses colors to identify matching brackets. This saves a lot of time when trying to figure out where your function or style selector ends and is very pretty!
Prettier is a lovely code formatter. When formatting your code, it takes maximum line length and readability into account, with many customizable options to make your IDE yours.
GitLens extends the built-in Git capabilities of VSCode. My favorite feature of this extension is that if you work in a team, you can see who edited each line of code the most recently! You no longer have to sift through commits to figure out where a bug originated - you can go straight to the source!
SonarLint works similarly to a spell checker but for code. It highlights bugs and security vulnerabilities as you code and suggests solutions as you type. It supports a wide range of coding languages and is completely customizable.
Issues and Pull Requests on GitHub
The GitHub Pull Request and Issues extension let you view, review, validate, and merge GitHub pull requests and issues directly from your IDE. Switching to GitHub in the browser may appear a simple task, but it always amazes me how much time this saves on every team project!
Highlight and TODO Tree are excellent pairings. TODO Highlight allows you to add 'TODO:' or 'FIXME:' (or any other phrase you want) to your code, highlighting it. This makes it easier to identify areas of code that require improvement. This works in conjunction with Todo Tree, which allows you to view everything marked as 'TODO' or 'FIXME' to the side as if it were a file.
Additional IDEs
Of course, numerous other IDEs are available, such as online IDEs like CodePen and gitpod and installable IDEs like PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, and Xcode (among many others). Your IDE of choice is always a matter of personal preference. Some IDEs, however, are better suited to specific languages or platforms (for instance, Xcode is a fantastic choice for developers working on software for Apple devices).
Developer tools (also known as Devtools) are built into your browser. They allow you to view the source code of any website, which is essential when developing one.
Devtools includes many features that can help you as a developer:
View any website's source code (HTML).
Views the CSS styling associated with that HTML.
View any HTML element's height, width, padding, margin, and border.
For responsive design, specify the screen size or device.
All ARIAs and the accessibility DOM tree are included in the accessibility information.
Console, where you can test your site and view any console errors that are displayed, as well as run JavaScript functions and much more.
The Issues panel displays any potential issues with the site.
CSS Overview displays all CSS information about the site (including any accessibility contrast issues the site might have).
An application that allows you to view the site and session cookies, among other things.
Hope this list of top tools helped you for your development journey. If you’re wondering where to develop these tools, explore the top full stack software developer course in Mumbai. Here you’ll get premium live classes, hackathons and real-world project sessions with industry experts.