
Meditation apps streamline the meditating process making it easier and more intuitive. But what is the best fit for someone who is a beginner or a pro?
Humans are social beings. We often neglect how we feel in the race of everyday chores and earning bread and butter. When was the last time you addressed how you have been feeling?
When it comes to spiritual well-being, meditation is the way to observe your inner-self. Mindfulness is not a fad anymore. It is a necessity after surviving an unexpected global pandemic. And as technology is such a big part of our lives now, how can we not consider it while meditating?
Here are AI-Tech’s highly recommended meditation mobile apps to keep you calm in 2022-
1) Insight Timer
2) Simple Habit
3) Medito
4) Calm
5) Art of Living
Read Full Article on Website @ Top Five Meditation Apps to keep you calm in 2022