
The Internet of Things has been linked to smart homes, cities, and traffic management systems. Unknown to many, the internet of things technology is used in our daily lives in numerous other fields. Internet of things technology has a significant impact on managing water resources. IOT is developing quick and most recent advancement happening in remote innovation and implanted innovation. This work centers around an answer for water the executives in universities, building and business region with the assistance of IOT.
“As providers of water solutions, smart water management and monitoring systems can offer assistance. These are combined using various tools to produce a smart water management solution.”
smart water management solutions:
Through level observation
By means of sensor-enabled products
Through the treatment of wastewater
utilising the advanced watering system
using intelligent water metres
For water networks, testers, and controllers, the system is designed as an end-to-end information and communication technology (ICT) that collects and regulates crucial and operational data in real time.
The effectiveness and financial viability of water utilities in India and around the world depend heavily on reducing water losses, preserving water quality, and providing an appropriate supply. It is imperative to use technology to build intelligent water networks so that the economy can make the most of the available resources and preserve them for the benefit of future generations. The goal of all technology and solutions should be a more intelligent and sustainable future.
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