Join a Google Local Guide, Why Not?
Join a Google Local Guide, Why Not?
Local Guides is a global community of explorers who write reviews, share photos, answer questions, add or edit places, and check facts on Google Maps. Millions of people rely on contributions like yours to determine where to go and what to do.

At first last year, I just uploaded photos on google maps, because I saw photos of locations on google maps that lacked detail and didn't look good according to me, hehe and since there are lots of photos in my cellphone gallery, it's a shame if it's just saved just share it on google maps so people can see the details of the location they want to visit.

After I finish uploading photos, I get an invite to join the Google local guide, but I'm not interested because I'm too lazy to install the app. The second time I share photos on google maps, I get another invite but I'm still not interested and the third time I share photos on google maps I get another invite, finally I find out about registering an mendaftarkan alamat di Google Maps google local guide, after knowing I feel really sorry why didn't join in the first place. At the beginning of 2019 w registered to be a local guide contributor and now w is only at level 5.


Local Guides is a global community of explorers who write reviews, share photos, answer questions, add or edit places, and check facts on Google Maps. Millions of people rely on contributions like yours to determine where to go and what to do.

Become a Local Guide

Sign up with your Google account and select your current location. You'll earn points for every place you review, photo, add, edit, or provide additional information on Google Maps. You can use these points to get new benefits.

Who can be a Local Guide

Local Guides are offered in all places where Google Maps is available. Currently, Google Maps is available in more than 40 countries and languages.

The Local Guides program is intended for individuals, not businesses. Contributions from businesses or business pages will not be considered for Local Guides levels or benefits.

You must be 18 years* or older to participate in Local Guides. For more information, review the Local Guides Program Terms and Conditions.

*Note: it may take up to 9 weeks after you turn 18 to update your Google account.

Points, levels and badges

Local Guide Points

Earn points by contributing content to Google Maps. You can rate a place by rating it describing your experience by sharing photos and videos, sharing insights with answers, responding to questions about a place, updating information by memperbarui Whatsapp editing a place, adding a place that doesn't exist, or verifying information by fact checking.

Contribution MapsPoints earned


Review10 points per review


Reviews with more than 200 characters10 bonus points per review


Rating1 point per rating


Photos5 points per photo


Video7 points per video


Answer1 point per answer


Responding to Q&A3 points per response


Edit5 points per edit


Addition of places15 points per place added


Road increments15 points per road added


Fact check1 point per fact checked


Local Guide Level


Reach higher levels as you earn points for your contributions.




Level 10 pointsNo badge


Level 215 pointsNo badge


Level 375 pointsNo badge


Level 4250 points


Level 5500 points


Level 61,500 points


Level 75,000 points


Level 815,000 points


Level 950,000 points


Level 10100,000 points

Note that updating your points and levels can take up to 24 hours. Points will not be forfeited, although it can renew the expired Whatsapp reduced if the content is removed for violating Google Maps policies. Continue to be an active contributor on Google Maps to qualify for benefits and be the first to try new features.