
Cyber SOC Driveittech
What is Cyber SOC
The invention of the internet has changed the world completely. Now no one can imagine the world operating without the internet. Everything that you need is available on the internet. From a small pin to a large fridge, everything is available at just a click. All the businesses, schools, and tuition have gone digital. Almost every person has and households have access to the internet. As the virtual world has started to grow, criminals find a way to execute their crime though cyber means too. Therefore, every company and organization is at a risk of growing cyber attacks. All the confidential information, data about the employees and the companies is at high risk. Hence, protection of company data becomes important. So, the function of cyber SOC (Security Operations Center) is to prevent, detect and monitor the threat in cyber security. DriveIt is the cyber security services provider in India.
Why is there a need to secure the network?
Every company is working on the digital space. Because of the intervention of covid, all the offices have gone totally digital. There is a lot of sensitive information about the company in the cloud. So, it could be easily penetrated by a highly skilled hacker. A person with a destructive mind, if they have access to this information can misuse it. Therefore, it could be fatal for the company and its employees. The data could be robbed and could be sold to any desiring company. Even a small amount of information is enough for a person with a destructive mind to create nuisance. So, having a digital security system is the need of this digitized world.
In this digital world, as the internet has become a need, cyber security has become a necessity. Cyber attacks have become a common problem for all companies and even individuals. It is the biggest threat to someone's security and data. Every company is in a dire need of having cyber SOC (Security Operations Center). The company needs to have a system for protecting its companies information and its employees data. The data needs to be secured and for securing the data, Driveit is here as the cyber security services provider in India.
Beware of Cyber Crimes
Theft of information is the most expensive and fastest growing segment of cyber crime. It’s not the only target. Cyber attacks may aim to destroy or change the data. Cyber attackers attack differently each time. They have numerous methods for penetrating the security system of the company. According to the cybercrime study of Accenture, data breaches have increased from 11 percent to 145 percent.
Human mistakes were the reason for 90% of information breaks in 2019. This disturbing measurement, notwithstanding, has a silver lining. Assuming staff are shown how to differentiate and accurately answer digital dangers, most information break occurrences could be kept away from. Such instructive projects could likewise expand the worth of all network protection arrangement ventures since it would keep staff from unwittingly bypassing costly security controls to work with cybercrime.
Data breaches involve financial risk. Credit card numbers, banking information and many other sensitive information could lead to a fatal financial risk. Protection from cyber crime and cyber attacks is a must. So, every little information about a company, its employees and its clients is very important. Securing every little information is vital. In order to protect personal and company data, people need to invest more in Protect yourself with DriveIt.
Need of Cyber Protection
There is a lot of risk in putting information in the cloud. If a highly skilled attacker wants to attack then the network could be penetrated easily. So, to have protection from cyber attacks, companies and organizations need to secure their network. For securing the information, Driveit provides the cyber SOC (Security Operations Center) . They provide protection from the cyber attackers with their strong system for growing your business without any obstacles, cyber security is a must. When you opt for securing your network then it helps your business in many ways. The business starts running smoothly, you become worry free about the data theft. It is a win-win situation for the organization. Therefore, the data of the company, employees and its client is secured. There is no tension of the cyber attacks when the network is secured.
Technology plays an important role in providing security. Attackers always find different ways to penetrate the network. In order to secure our network, we need to be one step ahead from the attackers. Driveit secures your network as it has the best technology available. With the latest technology, we are best for securing your data. The on time delivery of services is also a plus point. Who doesn’t love timely work? We deliver all the services on time. So, you just relax and sit back, your data security is our duty.
Have DriveIt?
You just read about the increasing number of cyber crimes. You must have felt the need to have cyber SOC. Those people and companies really need to worry about those who do not have their data secured yet. The sensitive information could be robbed and hence could be misused by the attackers. Even a theft of a small amount of information could result in a destructive manner. In order to secure your network you need to have a proper security system. So, opting for DriveIt is the best solution for protection against the cyber attacks.If a company has opted for Driveit, then that company can just sit back and relax. We provide the best cyber security services and you can count on that.
We take cyber security issues really seriously as it is a real concern for all the companies. Securing the web is our responsibility, our duty and our utmost priority. Information about small things could also result in a serious issue. We keep our eyes on every little movement happening in the network. If a movement is suspicious then we act immediately and resolve the issue. So, the companies using the services of Driveit need not to worry. Hence, they can just rely on us.