5 Minute Read: Magento Pricing & Factors Influencing it
5 Minute Read: Magento Pricing & Factors Influencing it
Magento - Digital Magnet That Helps You Stand Apart

There is no need to introduce MAGENTO to us. We all know that your priority will always be Magento if you:

  • Are an owner of B2B Business 

  • Want to develop an eCommerce website


If you have decided that you are going to choose Magento, then the next step you need to think about is to know the development cost. No, No! Don't you worry! The Magento Development cost is so affordable that many startups want to consider developing a Magento-developed website instead of investing in building a brick-and-mortar website. 


But the question here arises, 'How To Figure Out The Cost of a Magento Website?'

For understanding the 'MAGENTO-PRICING,' you have to acquaint yourself with the following features: 

There are two options you can use Magento. 


Basic Open Source

Magento Commerce




Previous Name 

Magento Community 

Entreprise Edition 

Why Is Magento Best? 

Magento is an integrated and easy-to-use one-stop solution, offering better security and features for accelerating sales. 

It would help to know which Magento Version for B2B you would like to consider before estimating the cost of your website. Your choice will influence the quality of your website as well as your price.


Let me make it easy for you: 


  • Magento Open Source 

With Open Source, you can enjoy the following: 

  • Integrated Checkout, Payment & Shipping

  • Mobile Optimized Shopping

  • The benefit of Global Selling 

  • App Marketplace for extended functionality

  • Instant Purchase

  • Site Search

  • Catalog Management


  • Magento Commerce 

In Magento Commerce, apart from enjoying the above mentioned, you can enjoy the following as well: 

  • Advanced Marketing & Customer LoyaltyTools

  • Content Staging & Preview

  • Awesome B2B Functionality

  • Business Intelligence Dashboards

  • WYSIWYG Page Builder

  • Visual Merchandising & Product Recommendations

  • Customer Segmentation


Can I Enjoy Cloud Facilities As Well? 

Yes, of course! You can enjoy the following: 


  • Optimized Cloud Commerce for Magento

  • Global Availability

  • Cloud availability SLA up to 99.99%

  • Fast Page Loading (With CDN Support) 

  • Performance Monitoring Tools

  • Enhanced Security

  • PCI Compliant

  • Easy deployment

  • Streamlined updates and testing


So What About The Technical Support? 

You get to enjoy the following as a part of the technical support: 

  • Customer Success Manager

  • Customer Engineering Technical Support

  • Access to quick-build Express Packages

Do You Follow A One-Size-Fits-All Plan? 

No, we don't!


Based on your requirements and expectations, our web development costs vary. As some clients have the least expectations while others have many, one-size-fits-all-plan can't be worked out. Our Client Care Representative will note down your specifications based on the following categories: 

  • Magento Theme Cost 

  • Magento Extensions 

  • Degree of Customization 

  • Integrations

  • Graphics

  • Brand Collateral 

  • Domain 

  • Hosting 


If you only want to get a website designed and do not care about its ranking, your quote will be merely based only on the categories mentioned above. But if you're going to get it ranked as well, then our customer care representative will ask you about the following as well: 

  • SEO 

  • Maintenance 

  • Support 


How Much Does It Cost To Develop A Magento B2b Website?

We have already discussed technical specification categories; here, we will answer the question based on the assumption that - You want to know how much a developer charges to build a Magento B2B website.


Here we want you to know that the cost to hire the following is different: 

  • Web Development Agency 

  • Freelancer 


Final Comments!

The cost of Magento 2 Development is distinctive based on whom you want to choose to get your website designed and which specifications you want to incorporate in it. Here we have mentioned a few of the questions. If anyone wants to ask more, they can send their queries through email.