
There are 2.79 million mobile applications in Google Play Store. What else can prove the popularity of Android app development than this number? As we know that Android provides many benefits to both developers and users, thus, millions of people choose to go with it. And talking about app development, we all are aware of the pace at which the world of business is digitizing. Apps are the easiest way to reach out to your customers digitally. Thus, if you are thinking of developing an app in 2022, then we have ideas to serve you as an inspiration.
Let me know which one of these you think is a million-dollar idea:
Mood Monitoring App
You can make a mobile app that allows users to rate their day and look for patterns that affect their mood. By this app, one can add and evaluate their activities, locations, events that take place during the day. The idea behind this app is that it will analyse all your past activities and will look for forming patterns. And on the basis of those patterns, it will provide you with suggestions to improve your mood.
Celebrity Identification App
I am sure that we all have been in a situation where we just cannot remember the name of the actor/actress while watching a movie or talking about the song, etc. So, to help those people like us, It will provide them with the most useful information from the internet about that picture. You can also customize this app that can recognize movies, perfumes, T.V. shows, etc. And for such unique customization, you can hire Android developer.
Plan a Party App
A party planning app can help people to remember pending tasks and do that exactly on time with reminders and notifications. You can even add features that suggest unique ideas according to the party they want to plan. A budget calculator is an additional feature that you can provide.
Also, mobile app developers are trying their best to keep up with the pace of the market to stay relevant and up to the trends. Custom mobile app development makes the most sense for today’s business as people’s problems need customized solutions. You can hire a dedicated Android developer to custom build your app.
Original Source: 15 Android Mobile App Inspirations for 2022