14 savvy ways to spend leftover zan jiao shui budget
14 savvy ways to spend leftover zan jiao shui budget
14 savvy ways to spend leftover zan jiao shui budget

I’m about to share with you the common thread that ties together all successful entrepreneurs. This single trait launched the businesses of Microsoft, Intel, Hershey, JP Morgan,, Nike and so many others. It’s not anything you’ll be taught in Business School, it has nothing to do with accounting, and it doesn’t even have anything to do with what you’re selling or how you’re selling it. I’ll sum it up in two words:


That’s it! It’s laughable at first, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. It’s the missing “million dollar” idea, hiding in plain sight. We hear variations of this all the time: A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Think back to your first 男士侍產假 writing classes in school. How were we taught to write a paper? First we start with a basic outline – that’s our money-making idea, whatever it may be. Next, we make a rough draft – that’s right, we start working on something that we know for a fact will be imperfect. Finally, we use our rough-draft as a basis to begin revisions, eventually ending up with a final draft, the “perfect” version.

Planning for tomorrow is a sound business strategy. It’s good to spend time thinking about the future, and how to handle the challenges it will bring. But, if we want to succeed, we must create the future by taking action today.