
Setting up your cold storage paperwalle
Cold storage wallets refer to storing bitcoinscompletely offline. It means the keys are never going to connect to theinternet unless you want to use them. Since Bitcoin is a digital asset, keepingthem online increases your risk. Its price is increasing day by day and it isimportant to set up a Bitcoin cold storage to protect your funds from onlinehacking attacks and thefts. A cold storage option comes in two forms. Eitheryou can use a hardware wallet or a paper wallet. A hardware wallet is a USBdrive that you can purchase from online. It normally costs you from 80 to 150$depending upon the nature and features of the device. Once you purchase ahardware wallet, you can plug in to a computer when you need to transactBitcoin. On the other hand, the Bitcoin cold storage paper wallet has becomevery popular nowadays. The major reason is its cost, convenience and safety. Setting up your cold storage paperwallet is fairly simple and only requires a computer with aprinter. Firstly, you need to generate an offline Bitcoin address whichconsists of a public and private key pair. You can generate free of costBitcoin wallet with random keys and QR codes from websites You need to click on the generate wallet button and savethe file on your computer. Then disconnect your computer from the internet.Open the file and create a random BTC address. Now print the page in order tomake an offline copy of your address. Now you can use it as a complete coldstorage solution. But before printing the page, make sure your printer is alsooffline and the computer is free from malwares. Now you have a paper coldstorage with keys and corresponding QR codes printed on it. Don't forget tostore the paper wallet in a secure place.