
Errors in lifting Squat Rack
When exercise with most gym equipment, there are means of using the gym equipment. Most equipment such as Squat Rack are most significant gym equipment that has helped multitude of lifters not only to achieve their goals in life but has increase the thought of people over it function in gym environment. For you to become a well-known powerlifter, you must exercise with this piece of gym equipment, it increases your chances of becoming a world heavyweight. When exercise with this piece of gym equipment, errors are not prohibited but with this article, you can figure out the most examples of errors in loading this gym equipment:
(a) If the bar is loaded to a lighter weight than originally requested and the attempt is successful, the lifter may accept the successful attempt or elect to take the attempt again at the originally requested weight. If the attempt is not successful, the lifter will be granted a further attempt at the originally requested weight. In both the above cases, further attempts may only be taken at the end of the round in which the error occurred.
(b) If the bar is loaded to a heavier weight than originally requested and the attempt is successful, the lifter will be granted the attempt. However, the weight may be reduced again if required for other lifters. If the attempt is not successful, the lifter will be granted a further attempt at the end of the round in which the error occurred.
(c) If the loading is not the same on each end of the bar; or any change occurs to the bar or discs during the execution of the lift; or the platform is disarranged, if despite these factors, the lift is successful, the lifter may accept the attempt or elect to take the attempt again. If the successful attempt is not a multiple of 2.5 kg, then the lower closest, multiple of 2.5 kg will be recorded on the score sheet. If the attempt is unsuccessful, the lifter will be granted a further attempt. Further attempts may only be taken at the end of the round in which the error occurred.
(d) If the speaker makes a mistake by announcing a weight lighter or heavier than that requested by the lifter. The Chief Referee will make the same decisions as for errors in loading.
(e) If for any reason it is not possible for the lifter or his coach to remain in the vicinity of the platform in order to follow the progress of the competition and the lifter misses his attempt because the speaker omitted to announce him at the appropriate weight, then the weight will be reduced as necessary and the lifter allowed to take his attempt, but only at the end of the round. Technical Rules book of the International Powerlifting Federation IPF Technical Rules Book 27 January 2019
(f) Three unsuccessful attempts in any lift will automatically eliminate the lifter from the overall competition. He may still compete for awards on individual lifts if he makes bona fide attempts on each of the lifts i.e. weights attempted must be within his reasonable capabilities. If this is questionable the Jury will decide.
(g) Other than initial removal of the bar from the racks, the lifter will not receive any help from the spotter or loaders in positioning himself for an attempt.
(h) On the completion of an attempt, a lifter shall leave the platform within 30 seconds; failure to comply with this rule may result in disqualification of the attempt at the discretion of the referees. This rule was designed for lifters who may have received some injury during the course of the lift, or perhaps the less able bodied, e.g. the blind lifter.
(i) If, during warm up or competition, a lifter suffers injury or in any other way exhibits signs of a condition which may unduly or significantly jeopardize the competitor’s health and wellbeing, the official doctor has the right to examination. If the doctor considers it inadvisable for the lifter to continue, he may, in consultation with the Jury, insist upon the lifter retiring from the competition. The team manager or coach must be officially informed of such a decision. To avoid contamination a solution of one-part household bleach to 10 parts water is recommended to clean blood or tissue from the bar or platform and that in the warm up area should “accidents” occur.
(j) Any lifter or coach, who by reason of his misconduct upon or near the competition platform of Squat Rack is likely to discredit the sport, shall be officially warned. If the misconduct continues, the Jury, or Referees in the absence of the Jury, may disqualify the lifter or coach and order the lifter or coach to leave the venue. The team manager must be officially informed of both warning and disqualification.
(k) The Jury and Referees may by a majority decision immediately disqualify a lifter or official if they are of the opinion that any misconduct is serious enough to warrant immediate disqualification rather than an official warning. The team manager must be informed of the disqualification.
(l) In international competition, all appeals against referee’s decisions, complaints regarding the progress of the competition or against the behavior of any person or persons taking part in the competition must be made to the Jury. The Jury may require the appeal to be made in writing. The appeal or complaint must be lodged with the Chairman of the Jury by the team manager, coach or in his absence, by the lifter. This must be done immediately following the action upon which the appeal or complaint is based. It will not be considered unless these terms are met.
(m) If deemed necessary, the Jury may temporarily suspend the progress of the competition and retire to consider its verdict. After due consideration and upon reaching a unanimous verdict, the Jury will return and the Chairman will inform the complainant of its decision. The Jury’s verdict will be considered final and there will be no right of appeal to any other body. Upon recommencement of the competition which has been suspended, the next lifter shall be given three minutes in which to commence his lift. In the event of a complaint being made against a lifting member or official of an opposing team, the written complaint shall be accompanied by the cash sum of Euro 75 or its equivalent in any currency. Should the Jury in its verdict consider that the complaint is of a frivolous or mischievous nature, then the whole or any portion of the sum may be retained and donated to the IPF at the discretion of the Jury.
Reference: IPF Technical Rules Book.