
Youmay know about the popular English reality show named by “who wants to be amillionaire”. This show is playing inside the United Kingdom and achieves a lotof fame. The similar show was introduced in Asia (India) in 2000 by the Hindiname (Kaun Banega Crorepati). This Asia game show is the complete copy of theEurope show.
Thegame made a positive rating throughout Asia. The main office is Jio KBC Head Office through which this show is 24 hours connect with their fans. Thesimple reason for their fame is that this offers a good amount for their fans.
Thisgame is divided season-wise. Just in season 1, it was giving the prize of 1crore rupees. This was the surprising prize ever for the fans. After the firstseason, this prize was double and customers can win up to 2 crores. And atlast, the prize was unstoppable and increase to 5 and then 7 crores.
WhoWon The Prizes?
A numberof winners received the prizes some of them are here. Harsh vardhan Nawathe isthe man who won the 1 crore rupees at the beginning of the game in season 1.This man is also known as the first winner. After this, Brijesh Dwivedi was thesuccessful winner of season 2.
Similarly,in season 4 one another lucky woman won the 1 crore rupees without investingand time-wasting. Sushil Kumar is the winner in the 5th season, he received the5 crore rupees but he did not know how to use the money because of which atlast he became at the initial condition and waste all the amount.
Seasonnumber eight (8) was the big season in the history of the game and the winnersof this game were two people and interestingly both were brothers. In thisseason brothers received the amount up to 7 crores rupees. KBCSim Card Lucky Draw is the new introductory option. In this people also won the prizesin million rupees.
Allthose people who want to enter here, Jio KBC Head Office is availablefor you it will give the specific direction to you.It will inform you about allthe legal information and update of the game and also if you have any doubt or questionsin your mind it will solve that.
Also,another alternative method is the website, you will reach it with the help ofan internet connection here you can achieve information and recent news about KBCSim Card Lucky Draw so contact them in case of any problem.
SupportTo Low-income People:
Low-incomefamilies who cannot fill their daily life requirements have a big chance. Asthis game gives much amount because of which poor people also able to enjoytheir life in a better way. As you read above about the winner's people, themaximum people in this belong to low-income families.
Intoday’s life where no one gives you even a single penny free of cost. Fans cannotignore the importance of the KBC Sim Card Lucky Draw, which is responsiblefor many people's help.
NotEvery Call Change Your Lifestyle:
Manypeople lose their money because they do not know about fraud people. Not everycall is your well-wisher, so please confirm it at Jio KBC Head Office.This is why we try to inform you because there are so many fans that’s losetheir money.
Fora short process, the option made for your KBC Sim Card Lucky Draw.In case of facing any trouble contact Jio KBC Head Office immediately.