
With technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence is bound to overtake many tasks humans perform. But there remain jobs that require human touches, such as door-to-door sales and customer services. In these jobs, the human essence dominates. And to manage these executives, a manager needs a good workforce management system.
Alexander Pope famously said, “To Err is Human.” Humans are bound to make mistakes and face challenges.
But there are ways that these mistakes can be avoided in a professional environment, such as by employing workforce management software.
Continue reading to know how managers can smoothly manage their field executives with employee management software.
Why Does Your Organisation Need Work Force Management System?
If you, as an employer, struggle to manage your workforce strategically, then workforce management software is what you need.
But what exactly is workforce management?
Workforce management can be associated with managing and directing the on-field employees in a manner that is efficient and productive for both the organization and the employees.
Putting workforce management system to good use can benefit managers in multiple ways:
- Better insights into the employees' performance
- Increase in the level of productivity of employees
- Complete optimization of field operations
- Improvement in employee morality due to the transparency of operations
- Reduction in procrastination from the employees’ side
- Cleaner communication between the field staff and managers
- Decrease in the amount of time wasted on meagre tasks
- Fool Proof Attendance of field executives
What Are The Challenges Managers Might Face With Field Executives?
Managers have a hard time managing and tracking all their field executives. Very little time is left for them to strategize and plan for the organization's future. Not only monitoring but there are several challenges that managers struggle with regarding their workforce, such as
Faulty Attendance
Many a time, employees either by mistakes or intentionally mark faulty attendance. And there are situations when the field executive might forget or fail to mark their attendance due to too much work. Because of this, managers often find it hard to track field employees' authentic attendance.
With field employees, traveling to the office to mark attendance can be time and fuel-consuming.
Lost Documentation
Field employees are expected to carry documents around in some jobs. These documents are susceptible to being lost in the field, causing hindrances in task completion.
Also, the field employees like MRs or sales guys sometimes have to get forms filled out from customers. There is a possibility that they might lose the document.
Doing so can cause harm to the organization and its data collection.
Lack Of Communication
Lack of communication can be a significant hindrance to the functioning of the field staff. Incompetent communication between the executive and the manager can cause tasks to be allotted to an executive who is not a perfect fit to complete them.
Communicating and task management become difficult and confusing when managed on different platforms.
Time Theft
Field employees might lag in task completion or deviate from their path. This might affect the business and cause inconvenience to the customer and the manager.
Low Productivity
Managers often find it difficult to utilize their workforce fully. There can be multiple reasons behind it:
- Lack of communication
- Managers are not aware enough of the strengths and weaknesses of the executives.
- Weak strategy
- Improper task allotment
- Improper supervision
How Can TrackoField Help in Overcoming These Challenges?
Which employer or manager won't want to eliminate these challenges discussed before?
All these problems can be solved by going for field force management or workforce management software.
A good workforce software will always be a self-sufficient solution. TrackoField is one software you can blindly trust to make managing your workforce easy.
Let us look at how TrackoField can help you with your managerial duties.
Attendance Management
With the help of geo-sensitive attendance that TrackoField offers, field executives can mark their attendance on the go. They will only be able to mark their attendance when they reach their first place on the task.
Managers don’t have to make any calls, they are automatically notified as the executives mark their attendance. Employers also have the option to ask for visual verification to avoid faulty attendance.
Real-time Tracking
Real-time tracking is the most genuine way to track your field employees. This way, the managers won't have to bug their employees constantly.
By using TrackoField, the tracking is done with the employees' consent. It allows managers to track the whereabouts of their employees at all times. This will prevent the executives from deviating from their path and tasks.
Digital Documentation and Custom Forms
In TrackoField, we offer a cloud service where essential documents can be uploaded. This eliminates the problem of carrying important documents and the risk of misplacing them.
The custom form feature allows field executives to get specialized and customized forms filled out by the customers according to the tasks’ requirements. This feature can be time and money-saving.
You can pat yourself on the back for contributing to the environment by going paperless through the digital documentation feature.
Analytical Reports
TrackoField provides employers with accurate analytical reports on their employees. This helps to determine each worker's payroll, rewards, and SWOT analysis.
Analytical reports allow managers to determine appropriate task allocation for each employee quickly. Field Force management software benefits the manager most when strategizing and utilizing field executives' full potential.
Built-in Chat Box
Smooth communication between the two parties, i.e., the manager and the field employee, is essential. But since the field executives are rarely in the office, a communication gap can emerge between the two.
A reliable medium is required to eliminate this gap and facilitate proper communication of tasks, queries, and ideas. Keeping this in mind, TrackoField offers users the feature of a built-in chatbox. This removes the need to use multiple platforms to operate and communicate.
Bulk Task Upload
Allotting tasks manually to each employee sounds dreadful and a waste of time for managers and field executives.
To save everyone’s time and allow managers to allot tasks well in advance strategically, TrackoField allows employers to upload bulk jobs on excel sheets which will automatically be displayed to field employees every day.
Expense Management
Using TrackoField allows your field executives to work smoothly, as they won't have to worry about fuel or allowance reimbursement.
Executives can upload bills or any evidence to support their claim on the go. Going physically to managers for claims can be time and energy-consuming. This proof is visible to every manager in the hierarchy.
TrackoField allows the executive to check the status of their claim in real time through the app. They are notified of every status update.
Managers have the option to put a cap on expenditure allowance. It can be customized according to the team and designation.
Enjoy Productive Work Force Management With TrackoField
“Focus on the solution, not the problem.” — Jim Rohn.
Managing a bunch of employees can be tricky, but managing field executives becomes even more challenging. This is because they are never in the office.
But no more!
We present to you the means to solve your problems – TrackoField.
As mentioned, Trackofield has all the features that will allow managers to strategize more efficiently and fully utilize their workforce's potential.
TrackoField is a one-stop for all needs kind of workforce management software.
Get a demo now!