
What can you do when you want to debug while using React Native apps? Can React Native do justice to your hard work? Don’t worry! You can solve problems with debugging tools for react native. Although React native faces competition - React Native vs. flutter, it has managed to stay afloat with its popularity.
Stack Overflow's annual survey shows that react native remains a widely used framework. It occupied the fifth spot based on its use by professionals with 16.48% votes. As it uses JavaScript, which has been around since 1995, it’s the most commonly-known language among developers.
Suppose how wonderful it would be to avoid flaws with quick debugging to fast-track the development process. Flaws scare developers, so you can imagine the importance of debugging React Native apps. Through debugging, developers learn right and wrong functions. Debugging allows them to review code and address issues before production.
React Native has two different environments, iOS, and Android. For debugging, developers use a range of complex tools. You can develop a single user-friendly app for Android and iOS with tools for debugging react native apps.
It will help you pinpoint issues, and you can solve all your problems when you work with someone with the right talent. Hiring React Native developers will help you to write code and debug at the same time!
Numerous debugging tools are accessible with a high number of contributors to the React Native ecosystem.
Here’s a list of the top ten react native app debugging tools you must know about.
1. Nuclide
Facebook created Nuclide to give React Native users the best IDE experience possible in 2015. Nuclide offers hack development, working sets, integrated debugging, remote growth, and Javascript development.
The Nuclide editor-Atom, allows developers to inspect elements and edit their React App features in real-time. It is an open-source program with numerous features, including inline errors, auto-complete, jump-to-definitions, etc.
Pro Tip: Activate React Native debugger in two different methods. For debugging, Nuclide can either launch the debug target in a new packager or attach it to an already running packager. Remember that the Chrome default debugger must not already be running for the Nuclide debugger to attach.
2. Visual Studio Code + “React Native — Full Pack.”
Microsoft's Visual Studio Code is another React Native source code editor. It is a free and open-source platform that supports Javascript, Typescript, and Node.js.
By adding support for additional languages like C++, C#, PHP, Python, Java, and even runtime environments like UNITY. NET, developers can expand their ecosystem. To use this tool solely for React Native development, you must install the "React Native- Full Pack package."
Pro Tip: The excellent debugging support offered by Visual Studio Code is one of its standout features. Your edit, compile, and debug loop will go faster using VS Code's built-in debugger.
3. Xcode
XCode has a tool called Debugging View Hierarchies, which allows you to examine and study the view hierarchy. To display an interactive 3D representation of the presently chosen window, XCode stops the application.
Pro Tip: The tool is handy for quickly fixing UI problems that are hard to notice. These may include misplaced text, labels, graphics, or images.
4. React Native debugger
React Native Debugger offers to debug React Native apps. Official Remote Debugger provides more features. It consists of React Inspector from react-devtools-core. It contains Redux DevTools, created using the same API as redux-devtools-extension.
5. React devtools
You can investigate the React component hierarchy in the Chrome developer tools with React development tools (React DevTools) browser extension. It is available for Chrome, Firefox, and as a standalone app.
Pro Tip: To help you with development, it offers an additional set of inspection widgets tailored specifically for React.
You can also check out our blog on why react native is an ace of a spade for developers.
6. Reactotron
Reactotron offers a variety of features that can help in better debugging. You can debug Redux actions, redux state, and even async storage in React native as a starting point. After downloading the program, launch it, and then access the app root in a terminal window to set it up.
7. React-native CLI
Use React Native CLI to perform some debugging. It can display the app's logs. You can see the logs of db logcat on Android by running react-native log-android, on iOS by running react-native log-ios, and on the terminal by using console.log. By typing react-native info in the terminal, you can use the React Native CLI to acquire some pertinent information about the libraries and dependencies you're using in your project. It provides some helpful information about the equipment you're using.
8. Ignite CLI
It uses React Native boilerplate. A generator for React Native called Ignite CLI comes with boilerplates, plugins, and more. Infinite Red's boilerplate was your only option in the past, but various boilerplates are now available. You can even add independent plugins as you require them.
Pro Tip: It needs no runtime to quickly create a new React Native app with best practices integrated. This is merely a developer tool; it is not a library on which you must rely. The number of boilerplates and plugins is constantly growing. It has strong and clearly defined conduct.
9. DevTools for Chrome
It is the first debugging tool that comes to a developer's mind when dealing with React Native. We can use them to debug web applications created with React Native as Javascript drives it.
Launch the Developer Tools. Using console commands, you may now debug the application. You may view your code by open-sourcing the files and selecting the Developer Tools Sources tab. From here, you may use the "Chrome DevTools" to add breakpoints and quickly debug the program.
10. React-native Expo
With the Expo Go app debugging, running your app locally with expo-cli is relatively simple. Sometimes the stacktrace is all you need to diagnose the issue, but other times the error message is a little more cryptic.
Pro Tip: Expo takes a slightly different approach. It uses multiple methods to run the packer and debugger to enable live development on a device (a feature of Expo). The app runs in a tunnel, so users can access it directly from the Expo app.
Check out how react developers use react native to build an app for the eCommerce industry. Check this case study.
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