
The conflict of interest that emerges when paying for audit services has long been an issue in the auditing industry. Although auditors are supposed to be impartial toward their customers, how can you be impartial if you are auditing your employer? With innumerable instances of hired auditors providing false certificates to appease their customers, such as Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco, to mention just a few, the need for independent, decentralised alternative solutions is now becoming apparent. We are therefore really thrilled to host the SCATDAO public auction on the KICK.IO launch pad. The Smart Contract Audit Token Decentralized Autonomous Organization (SCATDAO), which is supported by Project Catalyst, is a new audit paradigm that performs decentralised and genuinely independent smart contract audits on Cardano while also rethinking how audits are chosen, carried out, and paid. DeFi's ecosystem needs thorough review of the project's development team and its authenticity, as well as independent audits employing a uniform set of criteria for code certification, as has been obvious from the beginning. The existing structure, however, offers room for development teams to sway the findings of their audits. The existing price structure not only raises concerns about the objectivity of many auditors, but it also fosters inequality by making audits only accessible to development teams with substantial financial resources. Because of this, SCATDAO was created to prevent this inherent conflict of interest by developing a special financing structure that allows it to sustain its independence at all times. A streamlined, standardised, and automated procedure will allow token holders to select the projects they are interested in and wish to audit. By delivering a free tool where development teams can have a thorough audit, gain feedback on any defects or possible vulnerabilities they were unaware of, and show the wider public that their protocols are safe to use, this technique also offers crucial infrastructure for Cardano. Regarding KICK.IO KICK.IO is a project accelerator and crowdfunding platform built on the Cardano network with the goal of offering open, effective, and completely decentralised crowdsourcing services. KICK.IO is set to develop into a cornerstone of the new, Cardano-dominated DeFi ecosystem, serving as a hub for the vast Cardano community to support initiatives with enormous potential for success in the future. Our next-generation decentralised launchpad will be developed using DeFi industry best practises, guaranteeing real-time settlement, first-rate security, interoperability, true decentralisation, zero counterparty risk, and, at the same time, it will be completely scalable to meet the demands of institutional investors. We provide prospective projects with the full native Cardano token compatibility and a set of cutting-edge DeFi technologies they require, unlike our rivals. Disclaimer: This post was paid for and is not intended to be news or advice.
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