
1. What are Tree vault cloud services?
This is a mobile app that displays the latest FTM tree anywhere, at any time. You cannot make any changes in your tree while using Tree Maker Connect App.
2. How does Tree vault work?
With a Tree Vault Antenna tree, you can upload the copy of your FTM tree, including that don’t currently sync with Ancestry
3. How do you log into Tree vault?
Click the Tree Vault icon that can be found both on toolbar and in the Tree Vault Cloud Services server under current tab of workspace, and then go to Log In.
4. How to start Tree Vault Cloud services?
You can start by selecting one of Tree Maker for family trees — usually your completed or almost completed tree — to be your Source tree and then upload its data to create Tree Vault Antenna tree. The Antenna tree is updated with time whenever you make any change to your Source tree in FTM 2019.
5. How much this tree vault cost?
If you wish to use the full services of this tree vault, so you have to pay $79.95. And the upgrading price is $59.95 and you have to pay just $49.95 for upgrading in the special offer.
This is a free mobile app that displays your latest FTM tree anywhere, at any time. You cannot make changes in your tree with Tree Maker Connect App.
7. What is Tree Vault on FTM?
With a Tree Vault Antenna tree, you can upload the copy of your FTM tree, including that don’t currently sync with Ancestries like the Change in Log and web links,
8. How to use Tree Vault Antenna tree?
Tree Vault Antenna is automatically updated when you make any change in your tree using FTM 2019 on your Mac or PC. It means you have an updated family history which is recovrable in case of any damage to your hard disk, and one main advantage is that you can view your family tree any time at any place.

9. Is Tree Vault similar to Dropbox in terms of cloud storage?
No. In general, dropbox is only as current as the last time you uploaded your files. Tree Vault is a great way to keep your valuables safe, your Antenna tree is always up to date.
10. Who can access my Antenna tree?
Only you can connect with Antenna tree and download it’s emergency copy.
11. Can I share my Antenna tree with anyone else?
Currently, no; however, the firm intends to include this in a future version.But, you can show your Antenna tree to the person who are using the FTM Connect app.
12. Does the Tree Vault Cloud Services and Antenna tree secure?
Like Ancestry, we can use Amazon Web Services (AWS) for cloud storage, as this is one of the leading and most secure providers in the market