
Tap Into GenZ Customer Experience Trends With TikTok Insights
With 1.5 Billion active users, TikTok is the biggest entertainment and social media app there is in the market. As these billions of people use social media for self-expression and to voice their opinions and feelings about various subjects including brands, marketing geniuses are tapping into this excellent resource for valuable customer experience insights.
In this article, we’ll look at how exactly you can leverageTikTok for consumer trends, especially for GenZ, and use it to your advantage to develop your growth strategy.
TikTok and GenZ
The social media space is burgeoning with entertainment-heavy social media platforms along with old favorites like Facebook and YouTube. Facebook for one got a makeover once other sites like Instagram and TikTok got included in its feeds. This was a welcome move given that Facebook was fast losing GenZ while gaining the reputation of being bland and mainly populated by older generations.
TikTok is in a whole new place on the social media scene. Its videos are a minute-long, edgy, and keep you on your toes wanting more - which is great because it allows content creators to show teasers on the app and give you the freedom to look at the detailed video or post on YouTube or Instagram if you’d like. Perhaps this is one of the greatest reasons it appeals to GenZ - an audience that lies within the age groups of 10-25.
Ultimately, there are more factors that make TikTok the go-to channel for marketing towards Generation Z. The most important of these are:
The right content. Generally, TikTok has a lot more light-hearted, fun, and funny content. GenZ, most of whom are teens, college kids, and those fresh into their new jobs, enjoy this content more than other types because it's easy to turn to during downtime at work or school.
Perfect for short attention spans. One of the major advantages of the platform is that it offers short-form content. This has positively affected the channel because of two main reasons - One, because everyone, not just GenZ but also GenX, is rushed and doesn't have a lot of time to consume long-winded social media content that Facebook was guilty of; And second, short 1-minute videos are ideal to fill the gaps between obligations. Plus this gives you an endless scroll.
Self-expression. A research conducted by Forrester concludes that TikTok’s ability to allow users to freely express themselves is one of the main drawcards that pulls young people to it. People use the app for serious issues to pranks and have no qualms about PC culture.
Completely democratic. TikTok feeds are completely automated by algorithms that show you content based on how each has been upvoted or liked and matches your preferences. This means, they are not paid or promoted. If your content resonates with the audience, it will get more views, and the more views it gets, the more popular it will become and be visible to more people. The principle is as simple as that.
How Can You Discover GenZ Consumer Trends With TikTok Insights?
So from a marketer’s perspective, how do you tap into this treasure trove of information on market trends, consumer opinions, brand amplification insights, and the like to keep up with GenZ customer experience trends?
All this and more can be seamlessly achieved with the right automated platform run on intelligent artificial intelligence models that are trained to discover and extract TikTok insights for this very purpose.
To get an idea, let’s look at the typical workflow of a machine learning model does this.
Step 1 - Speech to Text Transcription
The platform transcribes speech from TikTok videos to text using audio transcription software. Basically, it will treat the video as a podcast in order to get the full transcription of all the audio content in the video.
Step 2 - Caption Overlay
The next step is to extract any text from the captions in the video. The algorithms will break the video into separate frames and analyze each frame to extract and capture the text contained in the captions present in the video. This text will be added to the text repository for analysis later on in the process.
Step 3 - Extracting comments
This is an interesting part. The AI will extract all the comments on the video and during this process, will also extract emojis, acronyms, and social media jargon. Now this depends on the platform you use, so the right way to go about it is to choose a solution that can understand emojis and has been trained on code switches and social media lingo. This is vital because people use colloquialisms and very rarely formal language when discussing brands and products in the comments. This is especially true of TikTok.
Step 4- Sentiment analysis
Once the AI model has extracted and analyzed all the text data, it will analyze the data for the sentiment. it will extract different topics and aspects in the data and assign a sentiment score for each. The sentiment for every aspect is given a score of between +1 and -1, with a score of 0 indicating a neutral sentiment. So now you get sentiment for product aspects like price, looks, durability, convenience, etc, as well as the overall brand sentiment.
This gives you a very holistic view of what your GenZ customers like or dislike exactly about a product, competitor brand, your advertising choices, and numerous other factors. You can see sentiment tends based on aspects and timelines as well as based on different factors like store locations, offers & discounts, customer service, etc.
Step 5 - Insights Visualization
All the insights that the API extracts in Step 4 are presented on the customer experience dashboard in the form of easy charts and graphs as well as other elements like Word Clouds. These insights are easy to understand and can be shared amongst various teams without unnecessary challenges.
How To Ace TikTok Marketing And Attract GenZ Customers
A machine learning-based model for customer experience trends gives you unbiased, accurate, and timely insights about what’s happening in the market through the steps that you just read above. But the true value of these insights is only when you are able to integrate them into your marketing strategy.
Here’s a look at how you can ace your product and go-to-market strategy with TikTok insights to target GenZ customers.
Develop a proper strategy. If you are not on TikTok, don’t get on it because you think you’ve missed the bandwagon. It’s important to make a plan using TikTok insights so that you can develop an effective TikTok strategy that can work to your advantage, and aligns with your larger goals and objectives.
Meet customer expectations. TikTok insights based on sentiment analysis can tell you so much about what GenZ customers want from you and what they like or dislike. Use this information for product innovations and improve areas that need attention like after-sales support, eco-friendly products, product improvements, marketing initiatives like apps, merchandising, etc.
Consider purchasing power. This is GenZ we are talking about, with the age range of 10-25. This means your marketing strategy needs to be not only towards this group but also GenX, who has the purchasing power with regard to the lower end of the GenZ age group.
Brand marketing. You shouldn’t think of TikTok as only a video-sharing platform but as a complete brand-building tool that you can use to generate awareness about your brand, sell your products, promote your brand equity, and more.
Take advantage of TikTok advertising. TikTok gives you an excellent opportunity to use paid advertising to reach your audiences. Use this to your advantage by infusing your content and strategy with GenZ customer experience insights to most effectively find and relate to your audience.
Monitor app developments. It’s no secret that TikTok is extremely popular not only among Gen Z but also among other demographics like GenX and even boomers. TikTok challenges have played a big part in this, with entire families participating in these viral challenges. Use TikTok customer experience insights to monitor consumer and market trends to understand new developments on the social media landscape that you can capitalize on.
Integrate TikTok with your wider social strategy. Integrate your other social media channels with your TikTok strategy so that you can cross-promote. This will allow you to reach your audience more effectively, market to a wide audience, and protect yourself from the weaning popularity of any one particular social media platform.
TikTok customer experience insights can provide you with valuable information about various factors affecting the consumer and purchasing behavior of your GenZ audience as well as the generation above them. Based on these insights, you can enhance your brand awareness and marketing strategies.
Insights like these, however, cannot be extracted from solely quantitative metrics such as the number of likes, dislikes, number of shares, etc that TikTok metrics can provide. Only a sentiment analysis platform that uses technologies like natural language processing and semantic clustering can do this because it lets you dig deep into more than just numerical data and analyze what people are actually saying about you.
This is precisely what can get you a real heads-up as to what your GenZ audience wants, and how you can effectively deliver to them. It is with these insights that you can build a compelling and efficient TikTok marketing plan.