
More than 2 million people work as restaurant waiters in Nigeria. Most of these workers rely on tips and bonuses, which make up a large part of their wages. This is not a problem when a customer pays in cash, but now 90% of people dining in full-service restaurants pay by card, so when the waiter checks out at the end of his shift are often short of cash.
How digital payments affect waiters? how giveaways help that
More than 2 million people work as restaurant waiters in Nigeria. Most of these workers rely on tips and bonuses, which make up a large part of their wages. This is not a problem when a customer pays in cash, but now 90% of people dining in full-service restaurants pay by card, so when the waiter checks out at the end of his shift are often short of cash.
Digitally paid tips and digital payment solutions like the Giveaway App can put an end to tipping problems and pay millions of workers instantly and securely. Merchants can use these digital payment systems to quickly digitize cash receipts and issue payments to employees instantly.