
When you get a new home, bathroom layouts are often one of the most important steps that must be taken. You need to consider where everything will be placed and how the area will be used in order of convenience. This can seem overwhelming, and when it comes to toilets, it is no different. However, if you want everything to work in perfect coordination with minimal damage and inconvenience, then there are a few things you should know about toilet installation for the home.
What are the Different Types of Toilet Installation?
There are a few different types of toilet installation that homeowners can choose from, depending on their needs and budget. These include traditional porcelain, high-capacity elongated bowl, waterless urinal and composting toilet installations.
Traditional Porcelain Toilet Installation: This is the most common type of toilet installation in the home. It uses porcelain bowls that sit on top of a pedestal or flange. The homeowner simply places the toilet below grade level and attaches the plumbing necessary to supply it with water and drainage.
High-Capacity Elongated Bowl Toilet Installation: This type of toilet installation uses an oversized bowl that sits on top of a flush base. The height of the bowl allows it to hold more than two gallons of waste per flush, which saves water compared to traditional toilets.
Waterless Urinal Toilet Installation: This type of toilet uses a tank filled with wastewater that is discharged directly into the sewer system without going through the house's plumbing system. This eliminates trips to the bathroom and keeps the bathroom clean.
Composting Toilet Installation: A composting toilet eliminates the need to dispose of human waste by breaking down organic material into soil nutrients that can be used by plants. Homeowners install this type of toilet by installing a trench near their garden area and connecting it to their sewer system.
How to Find the Right Toilet Installation Company?
Making sure your new toilet is installed correctly is crucial for the long-term health of the unit and the people using it. Toilet installation can be a daunting task, but with the help of a qualified company, you can be sure your new toilet is in good hands.
To find the right company for your specific installation needs, here are some tips to keep in mind:
1. Do Your Research!
Before calling any companies, research their reputation online and read reviews from other customers. Make sure to ask around if anyone has used the company before and if they had any problems.
2. Request A Quote!
If you decide to go with a company based solely on testimonials or reviews, be sure to request a quote in advance so that both you and the contractor know what expectations are set. This will also give you time to shop around if you decide that one company is more affordable than others.
3. Check Licensing And Insurance Requirements!
Some companies only offer installation services while others may require licensing or insurance depending on the type of work they do. It's important to check with each company before hiring them so that all parties are on the same page regarding expectations.
It’s also important to note that not all companies provide warranty coverage; it’s best to inquire about this prior to contract signing as it could affect your decision whether or not to use said contractor in the future.
Five Tips to Choose the Best Toilet Maintenance Practices
1. Keep your toilet clean – Flush often, and keep toilet cleaners around for a quick sanitize.
2. Check for leaks – A small leak can easily become a big problem. Look for signs of leakage such as water accumulation on the floor or walls around the toilet, or strange smells coming from the bathroom.
3. Make sure your toilet is properly balanced – An unbalanced toilet can cause drainage problems and may even lead to premature wear and tear on the plumbing system underneath.
4. Regularly clean the traps – Toilet flushes generate waste that collects in a chamber known as the "trap." Over time, accumulated fecal matter and other debris can block these traps, leading to poor drainage and bad odor.
5. Be sure to replace water-saving fittings – A water-saving fitting not only saves water while you are using the toilet but also reduces your monthly utility bills!
10 Things You Should Know About Toilet Installation
If you're considering whether or not to have a toilet installed in your home, here are a few things you should know. For the best results, consult with an experienced contractor.
1) Location: The first consideration is where the toilet will be installed. Will it be in a main room, such as the living room or family room? Or will it be in a more concealed area like the basement?
2) Flush options: Do you want a dual flush system (two flushes for water and waste)? Or do you want only one flush? Dual-flush toilets use less water than standard toilets, so if conserving resources is important to you, then this may be a good option. But if noise is a concern, choose a single flush system.
3) Sink placement: Will the sink be placed beneath or above the toilet? Placing it beneath the toilet allows for easy disposal of waste but can lead to plumber troubles when repairs are necessary. If the sink is above the toilet, some height restrictions may apply – usually no more than 18 inches from the floor.
4) Toilet size: Do you need a large or small toilet? Larger toilets require more water and can take up more space, while smaller toilets use less water and are thus easier to install. But remember that larger toilets also hold more wastewater –potentially leading to drainage problems if not installed correctly.
5) Toilet type: Standard toilets use water, wastewater, and air to flush. Automatic flushing toilets use a sensor to determine when the user has finished using the toilet, and then send a billowing stream of water and air into the bowl to clean it. These toilets are usually more expensive but are claimed to be flashier.
6) Faucet installation: Will the faucet be installed on the left or right side of the toilet?
7) Toilet drain installation: Will the toilet drain into a basin or onto the floor? A basin-style toilet requires a separate basin be purchased and installed, while a floor-style toilet connects directly to the home's sewage system.
8) Toilet tilting: Some toilets come pre-tilted for added comfort. Others require that you adjust them after installation. Tilting can make it easier to get in and out of the bathroom, but make sure that you choose a model that is easy to tilt – not too difficult, or you may find yourself doing it on your own!
9) Shower linkage: Will the shower connect directly to the new toilet or will there be a separate valve? A direct connection will save water, since the shower can be turned on and off with the toilet flushing.
10) Financing options: When it comes to financing, be sure to ask your bank about the pros and cons of installing a toilet yourself versus hiring a professional. There are often associated fees (such as a surcharge for installing a dual-flush toilet), so it's important to compare apples to apples.
Toilet installation for the home can be a daunting task, but it's one that you should take on if you want your bathroom to look its best. This article provides ten tips to make the process easier and less stressful for you. From choosing the right type of toilet to checking for potential leaks, these tips will help ensure a seamless installation. So whether you're an experienced plumber in Katy or just starting out, read on for advice that will help make your toilet installation a breeze!