
Yoga Teacher Training: This training is designed to bring about the transformation of every cell in the body. It is led by the creator, Ana Forrest who can be compared to a modern-day Shaman. The style includes holding postures for extended periods of breath and a lot of core work. Due to the extreme intensity(Yang) of the program, it is not appropriate for all. The training is done only twice a year in the form of a 1 month intensive. There is a premium paid because Ana Forrest is a world-renowned Yogini. With the cost of the separate Anatomy workshop, the cost of this training is upwards of $4,000 without accommodations.
Yoga Teacher Training in India: The reader must be made aware that this editor has taken a Kripalu yoga teacher training and may have a certain bias towards it. This is affordable training at $2,700, but the accommodations at Kripalu will likely cost another $2,500. The appeal of this program is that it allows you to completely immerse yourself in a conscious living environment not having to worry about driving, cooking, and the stresses of typical everyday life. Another great plus to the Kripalu style is that it allows yoga to fit the student. Hence there are no rigid principles of alignment structure making it yoga for a much larger audience. One of the drawbacks of this program is a large number of students, which is typically over 60. This can make it hard for one on one time. The style is often taught in a gentle(Yin) fashion which could be a pro or a con depending on subjectivity.

Anusara Yoga Teacher Training: This style of yoga seems to be spreading like wild fire. One of its main principles is the opening of the heart chakra and its alignment principles tailor to the opening up to the heart. The specificity of the alignment principles may not be for everyone. One must take a 100 hour Anusara Immersion before qualifying to be able to apply for the 200 hours yoga teacher training in India. Those anxious to teach this may be too much of a hold up. The great thing about the Anusara Immersion is that it allows you to study with a teacher in a very intimate setting learning the style well before learning how to teach it. Becoming a fully certified Anusara teacher will likely give you the skills to be a teacher of teachers. The drawback is that it is one of the most vigorous certification systems and is pricey.

Vinyasana Yoga Teacher Training: This editor has a bias against Vinyasana Flow styles. In Vinyasana the asana movement is linked with the breath creating a meditative experience. Shiva Rea is the predominant Yogini in teaching vinyasana flow teacher training. She specializes in Prana Flow, letting the energy of the body naturally move the body. This teacher training will likely be expensive due to the high profile of the teacher.
Local Yoga Teacher Trainings: The opportunity may not exist to do a teacher training with a world renown yogi due to costs and time commitment. There are many studios that do yoga teacher trainings for an affordable price and space the training out over multiple months to allow for those that work full times jobs. Franchisees such as Core Power Yoga offer these as well as local studios. As mentioned above, it is recommended to take classes with the directors of the program before hand as well ask others who have completed the training for feedback. This is likely the most affordable and practical means to get certified.