
Dr Sahil Singla
Male Tummy Tuck in Noida is the solution to correct excess sagging in the belly.
The procedure is highly sought after by those who have gone through an intense weight loss process and are dissatisfied with the excess skin left over.
If this is your case, you need to see the male tummy tuck transformation. Before and after this surgery is amazing!
What is Male Abdominoplasty?
Male abdominoplasty in East Delhi is a plastic surgery indicated to remove sagging skin associated with adjacent fat in the abdomen. With Abdominoplasty in men, it is possible to restore the “flat” appearance of the region, something that would be impossible to achieve with diets or physical exercises. Post-bariatric abdominoplasty is very common, when there is a great loss of weight and, consequently, excessive skin excess.
It is worth remembering that if you also want to eliminate localized fat from other regions, such as the back, it is possible to combine it with Liposuction in East Delhi. Because Abdominoplasty focuses only on the belly area.
To make sure this surgery is the most suitable for you, you should:
- Make an appointment with a specialist plastic surgeon in East Delhi
- Perform the preoperative exams indicated by him
- Appointment with the Anesthetist
- Schedule your procedure upon receiving medical clearance to operate
How is Abdominoplasty in Noida performed in men?
Abdominoplasty in men must be performed in a hospital environment and with a specialist plastic surgeon in Noida. The anesthesia used is general or epidural with sedation. But the second option is the safest and used by experienced anesthetists. On average, the procedure lasts from 2 to 5 hours, depending on the amount of skin that will be removed.
Basically, abdominoplasty in Delhi for men follows the same characteristics as surgery for women.
Men’s Abdominoplasty Step by Step
Main stages of Abdominoplasty in men.
- The surgeon marks the operated area.
- He begins the procedure with an incision in the pubic area, usually in a very smooth semicircle shape.
- Then the skin and fat layers are separated from the muscle part.
- Excess skin and fat are removed. Then the leftover fabric is stretched.
- Then, the surgeon makes a small incision to make the belly button visible, which remains intact in the same location.
- The doctor finishes by suturing the tissues, placing the appropriate dressings and the surgical mesh.
In a man’s tummy tuck in Noida, the surgeon also places drains to prevent fluid build-up during your recovery. They should stay for about 1 week.
Male abdominoplasty: how does the scar look?
In the classic version of the male abdominoplasty in East Delhi, the scar is in the pubic area, forming a very soft semicircle, which can be easily hidden under a bathing suit or underwear. When there is a lot of skin left over, this scar can extend vertically, from its center to the belly button.
The size of the scar varies according to the amount of skin that can be removed.
This technique is called anchor abdominoplasty. It is possible to remove excess skin from the upper, lower and side of the belly.
There is also the male miniabdominoplasty, indicated for those who have very little sagging skin to remove. In this case, the scar is also in the pubic region, but its extension is much smaller.
Men’s Abdominoplasty Recovery
After the Tummy Tuck in Delhi, the man should wear the post-surgical girdle for approximately 2 months. It is essential to reduce fluid retention, swelling and post-surgical bruising. As well as lymphatic drainage, which is mandatory for abdominal surgery.
Lymphatic drainage is a mandatory part of the postoperative period of Abdominoplasty.
The authorization to do the post-abdominoplasty lymphatic drainage sessions is done by your plastic surgeon in Noida, but normally this happens in the first week.
Another important care in the first month is to walk bent over, at a 45° angle, so you avoid strain in the region and, consequently, the opening of the stitches.
In fact, in relation to the points, they are absorbed by the body.
Returning to the day’s activities occurs gradually, but ON AVERAGE you should expect:
- 15 days to drive
- 30 days to have sex again
- 60 days to do physical activities
When in doubt, always talk to your plastic surgeon in East Delhi. Well, being careful at this stage is fundamental in male abdominoplasty.
The postoperative period represents 30% of the final result. So don’t be careless right now!
Slimming Abdominoplasty for Men?
Abdominoplasty for men or women is not intended to lose weight, but to eliminate sagging skin. Therefore, the procedure is more related to the loss of measurements and not weight. Abdominal surgery should never be considered a treatment for obesity or a replacement for exercise and regimen.
The focus of abdominoplasty in Delhi is not to lose weight, but to eliminate sagging skin in this region.
If you need to lose weight, the ideal is to do this before operating. So, your result will definitely be much better!
Know more!
If you dream of a six-pack and believe that Abdominoplasty in East Delhi is the solution, forget about this idea. This surgery focuses on removing excess tissue and belly fat. To achieve the appearance of a “flat abdomen” you need to combine intense physical exercise and a balanced diet.