
Final Fantasy XI is an MMORPG created by Square Enix. It has been running since 2002 and is still in operation. The game has a unique character creation system where players can choose from various races, jobs, and appearances. This guide will help players understand the system better, so they can confidently create their characters.
Character Creation Process
In Final Fantasy XI character creation, you can customize many aspects of your character: gender, facial features, hair, body shape, and color. Character Creation can do this by editing the essential information and selecting desired parameters.
Basic Information
The primary information option is the most crucial part of character creation. You can edit your character's name, race, gender, country of origin, and blood type here. You can also set a password to change your character name later. You cannot edit your character's name after creation, so be sure to pick something you like.
The race option lets you choose between the six playable races in the game: Hume, Elvaan, Tarutaru, Mithra, Galka, and Burmecian. Each race has its strengths and weaknesses.
1. Facial Features
In FINAL FANTASY XI character creation, you can change the shape of your character's face, hairstyle, hair color, eye color, and eyebrow color. After you choose an essential race and gender, this is the next step in character creation. Next, you can adjust the shape of your character's face with the slider bars. There are seven different face shapes to choose from: round, regular, sharp, pointed, narrow, oval, and long.
2. Body Type
The body type option allows you to choose between three types: standard, built, and thin. The body type changes the basic shape of your character's body.
3. Clothing
In the clothing section of character creation, you can choose from a wide variety of clothing in different colors and styles. You can even use your player avatar as a base to model new outfits.
4. Hair & Eye Color
The hair color option allows you to change the color of your character's hair and its style and length. You can also change your character's eye color with this option.
5. Earrongs & Nose Ring
In the earrings section, you can choose from a wide variety of earrings to wear. You can also add nose rings to your character's face.
6. Facial Hair
The facial hair option allows you to choose from various facial hair styles, such as moustaches, goatees, beards, and sideburns.
7. Tattoos
The tattoo section allows you to choose from a large variety of tattoos. You can also select the position of the tattoo and its size.
8. Skin Tone
In the skin tone section, you can choose from one of four different skin tones for your character.
9. Eye Type
The eye type section allows you to change the shape of the eye, its color, and size.
10. Nose Type
The nose type section allows you to change the shape and size of your character's nose.
11. Mouth Type
The mouth type section allows you to change the shape and size of your character's lips.
12. Facial Hair Type
The facial hair section allows you to choose from a wide variety of facial hair styles, such as moustaches, goatees, beards, and sideburns.
13. Eyebro Type
You can choose from a large variety of eyebrow styles in the eyebrow section. You can also select the position and the size of the eyebrow.
14. Headwear & Headgear
The headwear section allows you to choose from a large variety of top hats, fedoras, and caps.
15. Tops
The tops section allows you to choose from a large variety of shirts, blouses, and jackets.
16. Bottoms
The bottoms section allows you to choose from a large variety of skirts, pants, shorts, and briefs.
17. Footwear
In the footwear section, you can choose a large variety of shoes and boots.
In addition to the features in the character creation tool, you can also change the color of your character's hair.
As good as it gets with the customization of your character, it is equally expensive for your pockets to afford all the exclusive gear. But do not worry, you can even purchase extra stuff from in-game purchases.
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18. Race
There are ten playable races in Final Fantasy XI:
Hume: Humes are humans. They are the default race.
Galka: Galkas are giant beast-like humanoids. They appear to be based on ogres and slimes from previous Final Fantasy titles.
Taru: Tarus are small, cat-like humanoids. They are based on the Cait Sith race from previous titles.
Elvaan: Elvaans are giant humanoids based on knights. They have a heavy Eastern European feel to them.
Gnome: Gnomes are small, round humanoids with a Scottish feel.
Mithra: Mithras are small, cat-like humanoids with a Japanese feel. They are the only race that can equip bows.
Roegadyn: Roegadyns are large and muscular humanoids. They have a Viking feel to them.
Tarutaru: Tarutarus are small, cat-like humanoids. They are based on the child races from previous titles.
Tsukudo: Tsukudos are large bird-like humanoids. They have a Southeast Asian feel to them.
Viera: Vieras are tall, elvish-like humanoids. They have a Spanish feel to them.
19. Jobs
The job system in Final Fantasy XI is unique among MMORPGs. Players choose a job, not a character class. Instead, jobs are role-based and provide the player with specific abilities.
A player may change careers anytime by visiting a Guild Hall, paying a fee to become a member of the guild associated with the desired job, and talking to the Job Registrar. The price depends on which position the player is changing too and how many times they have changed jobs since their most recent promotion.
Players may have one primary and one sub job assigned to their character at any time. To equip a subjob's armor and use its weapon, the main job must be at level 30 or higher.
This allows players to play their main job at two or three levels below its typical level cap if they choose.
Five jobs are available to each race, except for the Galka and Mithra, who do not have access to the Paladin job. These jobs, along with the Dark Knight job that is unique to the hume race, are unlocked at specific level ranges. Quests must be completed to unlock each job.
Summoner at level 50
All jobs have a level cap of 50, and each requires a certain level range to unlock. The following table shows the level requirement for each job and the lowest level needed to use a job at its most potent.
20. Choosing a name and Server
Choosing a name for your character is easy. Simply click on "Character Name" and type in anything you want. Once you have decided on the title, you must choose a server. In FINAL FANTSAY XI, there are many servers, each with a different culture and personality. The most popular are: Bastok, Windurst, San d'Oria and Jeuno. Each server has its own unique culture and personality. It is recommended that you pick one that suits your interests.
21 Allegiance
The character's allegiance is the most important thing when creating a character in Final Fantasy XI. The alliegance you choose will determine what type of equipment and spells your character can use. Choosing a specific allegiance is more important than selecting a particular race because once you have chosen an alliegance, you are stuck with it. The allegiances are:
Your first character is not as vital as the alliegance you choose. You can always change your allegiance later when you have more experience with the game.