
For the past few years, we’ve all been spending too much time indoors, often looking back at the memorable times from behind a blur. Celebrations, hanging out with friends, going to concerts and big-name events, don’t we miss it all? Ever since the world kicked back in from its voluntary sabbatical in the form of a pandemic, there is some relief to the unsolicited solitude. From what I’ve been reading on the internet, one way to live with boredom and loneliness is to make plans for the future and that’s exactly what I did. I made a list of things I wish to accomplish before 2022 ends. From hosting an online exhibition of my artworks to planning a get together with my friends from college aboard one of the New Year’s Eve cruises in Sydney, my list is as diverse as it can get. Although the saying “Never let them know your next move,” could stand true for many, I feel sharing mine would give me an edge to work better for it. So here it goes…
Hosting an exhibition of my best artworks has been on my mind ever since my college days. And since the pandemic hit us, we’ve all had so much time to ourselves, oftentimes finding ourselves in bouts of boredom, not knowing what to do. These days, I’ve been dreaming a lot about travelling around the world and spending time with my friends on board one of the Sydney NYE cruises. But the thought of the exhibition was something that knocked me back into reality. It was during this period I restarted my old hobbies. Drawing and painting have been my most favourite hobbies since my childhood days. But never did I imagine myself to be equipped enough to be planning for an exhibition. So here I am, planning for my independent exhibition and feeling very much alive.
Closely in line with my artistic aspirations is my inclination for learning digital art. Starting today, I’m attending digital art classes. I hope I'll soon be able to transpose my drawing skills to digital media too. From what I know, there is a great demand for digital art and artists. Although I don’t see myself as a commercial artist, I have aspirations bordering on becoming one anyways. Could that be hypocritical? I’m all ears to hear your suggestions on this.
I’ve never been the extroverted kind, but I enjoy being around the people I love. Although I like spending time on my own, I realised that socialising could be my way to gain a different perspective on life and people. When this realisation hit me, I decided I should be more open to conversations with people outside my comfort zone. And that’s my third wish for myself for this year—to become more genuinely social other than wading through the pretence of being an extrovert. And that’s exactly why I’ve booked tickets for a New Year’s Eve cruise, a wonderful venue to mix and mingle. The fireworks show on Sydney Harbour is one of the things I’ve always wanted to witness from up close. I have invited a few of my friends to join me aboard the cruise, which, I must add, also serves some amazing food. Can you tell I’m obsessed with this thought?
Eating well and exercising regularly has never been my cup of tea. But standing in my late 20s, I feel I’ve unknowingly been hard on myself with my unhealthy daily routine and food habits. So, starting today, I’ve made myself a time-table to track my health and diet. I hope this article finds you well and maybe, pushes you to create a similar list for yourself. Feel free to reach out to me if you need tips on how to do it.