
Canada has been likened as an emerald island chain that stretches across the equator from Asia to Australia. India and Canada have very different cultures. Although at times it could be difficult for some individuals to comprehend this way of life. It has provided the nation's business a competitive edge. Those who are aware of Canadian workplace customs are more likely to succeed.
If you plan to visit, live, migrate, or conduct business in the sovereign state, we will offer you a good start in understanding Canadian culture and its vibrant pluralism.
Canada is a country in North America's northern half. Its territory spans the whole of the continent, and it is therefore bounded to the west by the Pacific Ocean and to the east by the Atlantic Ocean. Canada is bounded to the north by the Arctic Ocean and to the south by the United States. Canada is the world's second-largest country by land area.
Approx 1.4 million Canadians are of Indian ancestry. Canada boasts a diversified Indo-Canadian population that is active in many aspects of society. Lets have a look towards the difference between canadian lifestyle vs. indian lifestyle.
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Business communication in Canada is exactly what you'd anticipate given their national beliefs. Great shop is established by providing everyone the freedom to speak their own viewpoint, and choices are typically made only after all facts and views have been considered. Positive and negative remarks will be delivered in a simple manner, and contact through email or phone will be concise and truthful.
Monday through Friday the standard workday in Canada runs from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. However, many individuals actually prefer early meetings over afternoon ones. Business attire is often professional, with suits and ties being the norm.
In Canada, punctuality is essential. While being somewhat late in a social gathering can be accepted by the individuals present over there. But, being on time in business is something which everyone prefers.
Avoid referring to the United States or comparing your experience in Canada to your experience in the United States while speaking with residents over there. Canadians frequently believe that they are overlooked by foreigners in favor of their more densely populated and globally culturally dominant neighbors, and discussing the United States risks irritating them.
Local Language & Culture In canada
Canadian culture has been primarily influenced by the many European cultures and traditions of its member nations, particularly the British and French cultures. Additionally, the cultures of its indigenous people and the nearby United States have an effect. Fairness, equality, inclusion, and social justice are all core Canadian ideals. This is demonstrated by the country's approach to administration, which includes public health care, greater taxation to encourage income redistribution, same-sex marriage legislation, the elimination of death penalty, and the repression of far-right parties. The two official languages of Canada are English and French, with English having the large majority of speakers (approximately 60%). Because of Canada's traditionally open stance toward immigration, the general language mix spoken in the nation is quite diverse, with significant communities speaking Chinese, Punjabi, Spanish, German, and Italian, among others. Canada also has a number of aboriginal languages, which are spoken by the country's very tiny indigenous population. Unfortunately, due to a scarcity of native speakers, the bulk of these languages are unlikely to survive for more than a few generations.
In general, Canadians are quite open and accommodating of different cultures and beliefs.
Working culture in India
When it comes to working with Indians, expect lengthy decision-making procedures. They are fairly comfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity, therefore judgment is frequently delayed unless it is absolutely necessary.
When it comes to punctuality, Indians are adaptable. It is fairly uncommon to arrive for a meeting 15 minutes after the scheduled start time. It's not that individuals mean to be unpleasant or unengaged. It's just that in their work pattern, being on time isn't considered as vital. This should also be considered while establishing project timelines. As Indians may have different opinions on deadlines than Canadians.
Senior managers make the majority of significant choices. Professionals are occasionally encouraged to make decisions at a lower level. Activities and projects should be broken down into little, manageable chunks so that management can easily keep track of and monitor them.
It is unusual to schedule a meeting with a coworker in the same organization, unless that individual is in senior management. People just come in and expect you to be available for a meeting.
Appointments for business purposes should not be planned too far in advance since they are likely to be canceled.
Local Language & Culture in India
While more than 300 languages and dialects are spoken in India, Hindi, the national language, is spoken by more than 40% of the population. Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Urdu, Marathi, Oriya, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, and Malayalam are among the other languages spoken. English, on the other hand, is becoming increasingly popular as a second language. Older Indian immigrants may not be able to communicate in English and may require the assistance of a translator for health-care transactions.
English is the preferred language by all the business meetings. So India has a diverse culture of variety of spoken languages.
The history of social norms, ethical values, traditional traditions, religious systems, political systems, artifacts, and technology that originated in or are linked with the ethno-linguistically varied Indian subcontinent is referred to as Indian culture. Beyond India, the word refers to nations and cultures whose history are inextricably linked to India by immigration, colonization, or impact, notably in South and Southeast Asia.
India is one of the world's most religiously and ethnically diverse countries, with some of the world's most highly religious communities and cultures. Religion is fundamental and decisive in the lives of many of its people. Despite being a secular Hindu-majority country, India has a sizable Muslim community. Except for Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Mizoram, and Lakshadweep, Hindus constitute the majority of the population in all 27 states and nine union territories. Muslims are found across India, with significant populations in Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Maharashtra, Kerala, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal, and Assam; nevertheless, only Jammu and Kashmir and Lakshadweep have majority Muslim populations. Other important minorities in India include Sikhs and Christians.
Canada has the world's second-largest land area. The Indo-Canadian community in Canada is diverse and involved in many facets of life. The typical workweek in Canada is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and suits and ties are the norm. Expect long decision-making processes while working with Indians.
Because Indians are at ease with uncertainty and ambiguity, they typically postpone making decisions. Fairness, equality, inclusion, and social justice are all fundamental Canadian values. English and French are Canada's two official languages. While India has over 300 languages and dialects, Hindi is spoken by more than 40% of the people. As a second language, English is becoming increasingly popular.
Despite being a secular Hindu-majority country, India has a sizable Muslim community. Other important minorities in India include Sikhs and Christians. Contact your Canada immigration consultants in Delhi for more information about the AIP programme.