
So the New Year is just a couple of months away and it's time to rethink all the decisions I’ve made throughout 2022. Sure, life has been weird after the pandemic and it changed my perspective on a lot of things. Perhaps one of the more positive outcomes from the lockdown was that I’ve started to invest in myself — slightly random purchases that have a noticeable effect on my life. From getting a journal to booking one of those New year cruises, here is a list of things that I bought which have helped me get through.
Picking up the journal everyday
One of the first things I purchased this year was a journal. I know it sounds really cliche but journaling actually helped me get more mentally organised. Inculcating journaling into my daily routine hasn’t been easy but letting go of my perfectionism has made it less challenging. There are days I hit a writer’s block and during those days I just start writing random things that come to my mind. Journaling a bit everyday has significantly boosted my creativity.
Getting an e-reader for the first time
I’ve always liked to read a lot. There isn’t anything that can replace holding a book in your hands, feeling the paper against your skin, the smell of paper as you open it — or so I thought. Until I got my hands on a kindle and it is hands down one of the best investments I’ve made this year. It is so handy and lightweight and has even got a built in light that makes it easier to read in the dark. It's so handy especially during travelling. Bewarned! It's hard to let go once you get used to this.
Hitting the right balance with my Yoga mat
Yoga has been a part of my life for quite some time now and it has made the biggest impact on my physical and mental health. My flexibility has increased significantly and my anxiety is in control. And having a yoga mat of my own has given me the flexibility to practise yoga at the studio or at my home. It makes it easy to balance and gives you support. The anti-slip surface helps me to hold strong on the surface. And my yoga mat has lasted for years.
A ticket to a New Year’s Eve Cruise
Perhaps one of the most random indulgences I’ve allowed myself is getting a ticket to one of the Sydney NYE cruises. And I’m super excited about it. Sydney is one of the most happening places during New Year’s Eve and spending it on board a cruise sounds like one of the most exciting things. With the fireworks show turning the sky into a kaleidoscope, surrounded by the waters of the Sydney Harbour and a live DJ party , there are plenty of things I’ve been hearing about and I can’t wait to get on board .
Strumming the little uke
The lockdown saw a huge surge in people picking up new hobbies. Be it gardening, baking or picking up a new musical instrument, there was no lack of hobbies to be taken up. And my choice of hobby was the cute little ukulele. I mean, how can anyone help but not fall for the tiny four-stringed package of cuteness? It's so easy to pick up. You can play songs right from day one. And it doesn’t even take up much space. Even if I’m not a musical prodigy, playing some random songs on my uke after a hard day is so relaxing. I’ve been recommending it to all my friends too. Would rate it a solid 10/10.
So there ends my short list of things I’ve purchased this year that have made my life better, at least a little bit.