
Best Canada Immigration Consultants In Bangalore 2022 | Visa
Canada Immigration is a dream for many people. They won’t get a Canada visa and their dream remains a dream. But Phoenix GRS is helping those who are facing problems to get Canada PR Visa. Phoenix provided the best Canada immigration Service till now with the highest success rate. With help of Phoenix GRS the Migration process to Canada by Canada express entry from India will become easy and you can turn your dream into reality. So if anyone is having this dream you can approach Phoenix GRS at the earliest.
The benefits and programs through which you can migrate to Canada are detailed below.
Benefits of migrating to Canada
The Country Canada is renowned as the best country in the world - that is if experiences shared by clients and friends who migrated to Canada with their families via the various economic migrant programs offered by Canada and validations by immigration consultants and statistics are anything to go by.
Canada is culturally diverse; yet the population still retains their cultural identity and uniqueness, freely celebrating it at every opportunity, even though they are thousands of miles away from their countries of birth. Canada is one of the few remaining countries in the world that have a comprehensive health care system. The social system is healthy; hence, integrating into Canadian society is effortless.
In addition to these, Canada has an outstanding educational system. and it is generally more affordable than studying in the United states or the United Kingdom at an equivalent level and quality of education. The government regulates its education system thoroughly, ensuring that even institutions in its remotest areas offer world-class quality of education.
Understanding Migration process to canada:
When talking about migrating to Canada, there are a few routes, including the;
1.Fedaral skilled worker program(FSWP)
2.Skilled Trade
3.Canadian Experience Class
What is the Federal skilled worker program(FSWP)?
The federal skilled worker program is an immigration program by which a skilled worker or professional can become a permanent resident in Canada, depending on their ability to become economically established in Canada
In essence, if you are a skilled worker or professional, having demonstrable abilities to build and maintain a healthy financial life, then this program is a pathway by which you can become a permanent resident in Canada.
Canada express entry from India is the program by which three of Canada's federal economic migrant programs, including the federal skilled worker program(FSWP), are managed.
The Canada express entry program was introduced in 2015; prior to this, Canada's economic migration programs worked by quota-the government announces that it requires a particular number of professional immigrants to meet its immigrant needs for the year, interested applicants then send in their applications directly and once this quota is filled, the process is closed for that period.
The Express Entry Ranking System - How do they work?
The Express Entry program is a point based system; it is based on a system referred to as the comprehensive ranking system (CRS). In the CRS, points are awarded to applicants with respect to certain human capital, economic and adaptability factors. The highest ranked candidates will receive an invitation to apply.
The total point accruable in the Express Entry system is 1200 points. However, applicants who are applying from and have lived outside of Canada, all their lives can only score 600 points out of the 1200, because the remaining 600 points is reserved for those who have professional employment in Canada, worked in Canada for at least a year, amongst few other conditions.
The encouraging news is that you do not even need to score all the remaining 600 points in order to receive an invitation to apply(ITA).
Periodically, the immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC - that is the Canadian immigration body) announces a minimum qualifying comprehensive ranking system(CRS) point in order to issue the ITA, Applicants who have completed an express entry profile, and scored points equal to or above the announced CRS point will be issued an ITA.
The point's range from which applicants are selected to apply varies as it is announced from time to time - it used to average 480 points, but in the last two years, it has reached as low as 432 points. So, if you scored equal to or above that mark, you would get an ITA for permanent residence.
It is essential to note that if your profile has remained in the pool for up to a year, and you do not receive an invitation to apply, your profile is automatically dropped from the pool of candidates.